Book #6: Vengeance in Death

Episode 12 September 04, 2020 01:42:32
Book #6: Vengeance in Death
Podcast in Death
Book #6: Vengeance in Death

Sep 04 2020 | 01:42:32


Show Notes

This one is DENSE, y’all, so strap in and get ready for a longer than usual podcast! Jen is recovering from being sick for two days, but still has sick brain, so, bear with us on this one!

Also, it’s at the moment 1:30 AM for AJ, so, more extensive show notes will have to come later!

We’re talking about J.D. Robb’s “Vengeance in Death”! Roarke’s friends from his youth in Dublin are being murdered, and Summerset is implicated! We are introduced to a couple of our favorite characters, Ian McNab and Brian Kelly! As always, we continue to be amazed every episode at how great the writing is with these books. Thank you, Nora Roberts!


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