How "Origin" is the "Origin": We Talk to Listener Dana!

Episode 97 April 23, 2022 01:26:42
How "Origin" is the "Origin": We Talk to Listener Dana!
Podcast in Death
How "Origin" is the "Origin": We Talk to Listener Dana!

Apr 23 2022 | 01:26:42


Show Notes

Editors Note: For some reason, this week there were several minor issues affecting this episode: Tara couldn't make it, Jen was sick and AJ was having Wi-Fi issues. So part of the episode was cut off. BUT, what we did get was a really interesting discussion with listener Dana! Dana has been a listener for a long time, and we were so thrilled to have her with us! Dana picked the topic for this week, and what she wanted to discuss how "Origin in Death" is really the "Origin" of so many other storylines in the rest of the series. Armed with lots of notes and spreadsheets, Dana walks us through it all. Then we ask Dana our fan questions, and unfortunately, the last two were cut off. So, just for the purpose of completeness, For question 11: What band or artist would people be most surprised to find on your playlist? For question 12: Besides Podcast in Death, Favorite podcast?

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