Shopping is the Worst! Retail Moments in the "In Death" Series

Episode 128 November 26, 2022 01:04:35
Shopping is the Worst! Retail Moments in the "In Death" Series
Podcast in Death
Shopping is the Worst! Retail Moments in the "In Death" Series

Nov 26 2022 | 01:04:35


Show Notes

In this episode, we recorded this during Thanksgiving week here in the United States, and every American knows that the Friday after Thanksgiving is always "Black Friday," which is the worst (or best) retail day of the year, depending on your perspective. Both AJ and Tara hate shopping, so we say "Black Friday" is generally the worst day of the year. BUT...we're here to talk about all of our favorite "retail" moments in the "In Death" series. It's no surprise to us that most people say that their favorite moments are all the times that Eve buys something after telling Peabody not to shop. Most people's second favorite moments are all the moments with Tiko! It's funny, though, and it shows that even though Eve hates shopping for herself, it's super easy for her to buy stuff for other people. Because, contrary to what we hear from reviewers, Eve has a HUGE heart, and grows as a character. Many other retail moments are discussed on this episode, too. Enjoy!

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