The Podcast in Death Sorting Hat

June 26, 2021 01:01:22
The Podcast in Death Sorting Hat
Podcast in Death
The Podcast in Death Sorting Hat

Jun 26 2021 | 01:01:22


Show Notes

This week on our show we're talking about Tara's favorite subject: sorting people into their Hogwarts houses! Which house would Eve and Roarke be in? Who's a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin? Who's a Muggle? Who's a Squib? Find out what we think in this episode!

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Speaker 0 00:00:16 Hey everyone. And welcome once again to podcast and death though, weekly podcast, where we discuss the in-depth series of books by JD Robb. I am AIJ. Speaker 1 00:00:27 Oh, okay. Sorry. I'm looking here. I'm looking for the description of each of the house. I'm Kara. Speaker 0 00:00:41 I guess if we're already is episode number 54 or five guests in death, and in this episode, we're going to talk about in the in-depth series, as it relates to Hogwarts or hit the Harry Potter series, we're going to start, Speaker 1 00:00:58 The characters are so great. And Speaker 0 00:01:00 I have to say that. So Kayla and I were having lunch today and I had mentioned like, you know, got to get back and do my podcasts. And she's like, um, yeah. And I just want to say that I am really insulted that the one podcast that you do that is about Harry Potter, you did not include, Speaker 1 00:01:20 I said we should include Speaker 0 00:01:21 Her. I, I didn't even, I had, she was like, it's okay. Because I don't know the in-depth character. So I did not know what to say in that situation, but I was like, okay. Aye, I Speaker 1 00:01:36 That's. Okay. Because she is one day we're going to get her on, on basic tension. Snitches. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, because I would have loved to have her on that would have been fun. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:52 I think about it. And she was all insulted and I was like, Speaker 1 00:01:57 Aw, or Kaitlin. Speaker 0 00:01:59 Yeah. She did say like, I don't know, the in depth characters. So I would be useless kind of. And I was like, okay. But she was still a little bit insulted. Speaker 1 00:02:08 I bet she was. I'm sorry, Katelyn. Sorry. Speaker 0 00:02:14 So she she's going so tomorrow, um, is when they're starting filming this new pilot show that she's, that I can't say anything about, she's warming. Not saying anything about it. Although I can say that she's going to be Speaker 1 00:02:32 A background Speaker 0 00:02:34 On a new pilot series and this is going to be a background role. That's going to recur. So it's a situation Speaker 1 00:02:41 Where, you know, they need Speaker 0 00:02:44 An established group of people as their background Speaker 1 00:02:50 Always. Yay. Right. So, Speaker 0 00:02:52 Um, so awesome. Yeah. Uh, so she, she does, she has to do a COVID test. They told her cause they're being very, oh Speaker 1 00:03:03 Yeah. The tests Speaker 0 00:03:05 Are always going to be on Wednesday. She had every Wednesday. So sh this is filming, like I said, every week until September. So she's thrilled about that. Yeah. Um, COVID tests are every Wednesday and they get paid for the COVID tests. And then, um, they said filming leader B just Thursday or Thursday and Friday depending, or it'll be on Fridays. So there'll be a COVID test one day and one or two days filming after that, that's going to be an every week thing. So Speaker 1 00:03:37 Yeah, we're over, it holds about that. That's all right. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:42 This is something that will be on us network TV that I think everyone can watch when it comes out, we can announce it and everyone can watch it, probably see here. And that'll be really cool. I told her it just, if it's just you in the background and we're seeing you in the background, like every episode, that's fantastic. Yeah. I would take that, but she's hoping that she might be given a line or something at a certain point. Yeah. Yeah. So we'll see. Anyway, we're not here to talk about Canon. We're here to talk about Hogwarts houses. You're talking about how sauces and I'm just going to sit here and Speaker 1 00:04:24 I mean, get your input and my input. Yes, absolutely. So, so I, um, I think they mentioned this in the live Instagram live, um, but they J and Jenner both random claws. So it was Kaitlin. Yeah. Um, and I'm a Griffendor and, um, and my favorite things in the world is sorting people into Hogwarts. Um, there is, um, just because they've given us a lot of, um, a lot of support on, on our podcast, there is a podcast out there, um, called the slopping, sorting sloppy sorting hat, and they get drunk and, uh, people and shows and characters into topless houses. Yeah. So they had to listen to that one. Yeah. Um, I thought about maybe breaking out some, but I not really interacted with them ever. So I thought I would just like throw off their names. People are loving this. Um, okay. There's a fandom that comes up that they're like, yeah, I'm into that Baxter fear is a muggle. Speaker 1 00:05:42 Yeah. What we did is we took this quiz that ADA found, which is like, it's, um, an abbreviated version of the original Pottermore quiz. And we started taking the test and different. Um, but then we were just like, not entirely pleased with the results. So we've stopped taking them. I know I did because I was annoyed with some of the results, but yeah. Do we want to just like start talking about yeah. Maybe Rourke. Sure. Cause that was the result. I was maybe the most annoyed way. I agree. So, yeah. So, um, Jen, I don't know if you have either of these, let me pull it up there, but, um, just, just in general, I think work is a Raven claw. Yeah. Agreed. Um, and one of the results that we took made him Gryffendor I think, which I don't agree with. Yeah. I think you're yeah. Um, Speaker 0 00:06:48 I think in mine he was Raven claw, but it was, you know, the percentages were very high. The percentages Speaker 1 00:06:56 Are weird. So I think, yeah, she had, yeah. The one ADJ originally took was, um, 29%. Gryffendor 32% rate in cloud. Yeah. And I don't, I don't think her work is a Griffendor second. Brooke is definitely a slither. And second, I agree with that. So, um, yeah. I wanted to start with his, well then when I took her work. Yeah. Cause I, cause the one I took was 36 wave in CLA 26 slither and 23 Gryffendor that's a little closer. Yeah. So for anyone who is not a Harry Potter fan, um, Jenny, you to tell people about Raven CloudHealth. Okay. Raven claw, our wisdom is the word you is now a word like the word wisdom is, and I don't care if it's not a real word linguistics as it's probably a word. Speaker 1 00:08:10 Um, let's see. I had, I had pulled it up. I mean, obviously the main, the main trait of Raven clauses is wisdom. Um, and then each, each house has different things about them that are sort of secondary. Um, gosh, darn it. Now I can't um, so I have, I have this one that I saved because I thought it was really cool. Um, cool. Because so people who do know the Harry Potter houses, um, they, they kind of generically put people into these categories and Raven clause, the smart house or whatever. If you listen to basic cinches, you might hear us talk about how Raven clause are assholes. The reading class in the series are kind of assholes and then are even claws. We don't realize are not an asshole who Luna. Yeah. We're we're on the Jen. Oh, right. My bad. No. Um, that was, it's a joke if you've listened to it. Speaker 1 00:09:20 Um, we, we kind of pinpoint the early interaction with Raven clause in the first school book, show them just being assholes. They are either they're really not. Um, you know, Luna, Lovegood is already been fired and she is one of my favorite characters in that series. One of my favorites. Yes. The same that I saved his really nice reminder. And it kind of helps us with, I think the in-depth characters too, because that Raven clause, um, are analytical, intelligent, logical yet impractical. Um, they're curious, inquisitive, creative wise, they're wise observers. Um, they often are observing Wharton. They're participating. They like to understand things. Um, sometimes they're a resigned cynics they're phone of learning for the sake of learning. They are not necessarily an emotional, they're not necessarily wordy. They don't necessarily ramble. They're more concise. Um, and they're not necessarily school. They're good at what they're interested in, which I thought was super interesting to them. Speaker 1 00:10:23 Yeah. I like that description. Cause that's, that's perfect because we talked a lot about, um, you know, like just in general, um, not, you know, not really in detail, but we've talked a lot about, I think in the past we have brought this up, even her Raven Claude tendencies, um, because Eve, Eve is a good contender for Raymond clubhouse. If the sorting hacker to be placed on her head, I think it would be very confused as to what to do. Yeah. She might be close to a hat store. Uh, yeah. I think, I think she and her mining are on the same level for completely different reasons, you know? So yeah. So yeah. AAJ, uh, hat stall is when the hat, the hat is like, I honestly could put you either place. I I'm choosing somewhere, but you know, you could go here or here. Speaker 1 00:11:16 So right here, the cat purring. Sorry. That's okay. Well that's okay. My dog is eating so, so, um, so yeah, you get away from the cat food fan as a Hufflepuff piggy and he eats the cat food just to be a Dick. He's got a full bowl. He gets food because he wants to eat the cancer. Yeah, well that too. But he does it to be a Dick because he's not full bowl of his own food and he's like, oh, I'm going to eat this. Maybe it tastes better to him. Um, he's he's just being a Dick. Okay. Can you say, so you're being fully down. So then, um, it's ridiculous. He's so cute though. He's mad. Now you called him dumb. He was dumb. I said he was a Dick. Yeah. That's two different things. This one here is dumb and a Dick. Speaker 1 00:12:37 He's not dumb at all. He's one of the smartest dogs I've ever owned. He's just a Dick. Sorry about that. Okay. I love them anyway. Well, good. It's so cute. I can't handle him cute. He is. It's awful. That's why he gets away with this shit he gets away with. Um, it is what it is. I know. You're not going back outside. No. Wow. Um, so when you were taking the quiz Rourke, yeah. Can you just tell people what kind of stupid questions you were answering? No. Like if you were, if you, if you, you know, Speaker 0 00:13:29 I don't know, had to go down a pathway, would you want like the pathway that goes into bright, bright and sunny? You know, like, um, I guess I picked for us. I don't know. Speaker 1 00:13:45 So yeah, like, so a lot of these questions were just kind of like, uh, okay, sure. Like I think one of the questions black or white, black and white it's like laughter right. Heads or tails. Those were the lines. And then there's like a moon and stars, I think is a question Speaker 2 00:14:04 Of a legit personality Speaker 1 00:14:06 Indicator then like black. Oh wow. Maybe black and white, but right. Or left or heads or tails. I mean, what, I don't know. I hate that quiz makes me mad. So I mean, I Speaker 0 00:14:21 No, even Rourke. I would, I, I chose black for both of them and I think I chose white for Peabody. It's that same time, but I don't, you know, I mean, I don't the stars and the moon thing. I just don't see that as an indicator. I know, Speaker 1 00:14:36 I think about 50% of those questions are just bogus. Bullshit questions. Yeah. No, it is. It is the right quiz. They do. That is the same. That is literally the quiz that they were using on Pottermore. I just always hated it, but yeah, like I'm just like, what the fuck would this quiz? I don't know. Um, I mean, that's the quiz that put me in Gryffendor and I thought it was uncle puff. So maybe, you know what I mean, trying to tell me something, you know? No, I think you're, Gryffendor, I'm definitely, like you said, you walked the line, but definitely now of a long bottom, you walk that hop, hop, hop Gryffendor line, which is fun because I feel like, um, my two favorite characters in the series do as well, so that's kind of fun. Yeah. Okay. Um, yeah, but we can talk about, grew up in doors now if you want yeah. Is a grip in door. Yeah. Well, we were going to talk about though, like why we think work, um, is more <inaudible> Eve came Speaker 0 00:15:56 Up as a Griffendor and not a Raven. Speaker 1 00:15:59 He came up with a Richard, came up as, were both of you guys in can crypto from me. Yeah. But one of you, one of you got like an <inaudible>, like, that was weird, but again, it probably, we answered black instead of white or something. I dunno, we answered moon and it should have been still ours, right? Yeah. No, let's talk about Rourke. Yeah. And why his percentages are for more slurring. Um, because I'd like to hear your thoughts on that. Um, so the, the generic, the generic personality traits of the slithering, um, include ambition and, um, being driven, uh, willing to do whatever the hell they must to survive, uh, high Rourke. Speaker 1 00:16:47 Why are we not like by him? Like, I mean, if he wasn't Raven CLI he would be Southern. I mean, I don't even, because none of the characters we're going to talk about are slid. And when we talk about slithering from this really cool post I found yeah. And it feels like a lot of people think that if you're, if like Tara and I are saying, okay, work isn't like that much. Gryffendor um, we're not saying he's not braid and no, no, no, no. Just the main trait of gripping doors. It's not, it doesn't mean that a slither and array raincloud can't be brave. No, no. If you've read the series, you know, but, or you've seen the movie, so Asia knows too. Yeah. So, um, so the whole thing about slithering is, um, again, this is that this is that more in-depth posting that I found, um, slogans are ambitious, driven, uh, focused on their goals, determined they're prepared, they're perfectionist, they're adaptable, they're realistic, they're big on cost benefit analysis. They're self-reliant and charming, bold, and assertive. Speaker 1 00:18:00 They're able to use her and polygons as a tool to achieve their goals. They are not necessarily disloyal or disregarding of the opinions of others. Um, remember that Southerns are not, um, necessarily mean, in fact, they treat people with respect, uh, because they care about the impression they give, which I think is a really, I think something, you know, and it really kind of connects. Yeah. And I think people have a lot of people that aren't, that don't really dig into the books. Like some bands do, like we do. I think they have an impression of all Southern Spain evil. Right. And that's not the case, so not at all. So yeah. So I vote, um, easily. I vote that that is work secondary house. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. For sure. Okay. Now we can move on, but not at all like me, we're, we're not terribly alike in that. Speaker 1 00:19:02 I dunno. I'm not unlikely if, I guess, but, um, from this posting group indoors are experience oriented. They're honest, practical blunt, they're passionate, um, prone to living in the moment and not taking themselves seriously. Uh, they're idealistic stubborn low to pat back down crone to procrastination, which is not easy. Um, and weary of manipulators in liars. They're not necessarily irresponsible. Um, broken doors are good at owning their own stakes. And remember that Griffin doors tend to have a strong moral center and are unafraid to after their morals or to seize opportunities to make changes, which I think is the ultimate reason why you as a Griffendor, she is unwavering in those areas. Right. However, some of those things are not easy, um, such as prone to procrastination, right. You to know how to procrastinate. Right, exactly. Um, so some of the other descriptors for her friend, Darlene, didn't read out there, not Eve are playful and funny. Speaker 1 00:20:25 I think he can be those things as in the right moment, usually with Roark, but they're not traits of hers that stand out. Um, yeah. Um, and this also says that they don't take themselves seriously, and that is not also, um, would again, had they envisioned the things that he was in capable of, which I think is, um, another thing that the, the people theorize about the sorting hat is that they'll put you on a house, not necessarily because you have those traits, but because you need to hone those traits that are already inside of you. And like, perhaps if Eve were attending Hogwarts, sorting out, we'll put her on Gryffendor because it maybe thinks she needs to, I don't know, fucking chill out of it. Speaker 1 00:21:24 Um, but not chill out so much that she needs to be in Hufflepuff. I don't know. I don't know listeners, you'll go let us know what you think about that analysis. But I personally think that's kind of, that's kind of a thing that either capable of, but it's not necessarily part of her, you know what I'm saying, Jen. Yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, I agree with, I completely agree with your analysis. I think that's for sure. Um, and yes, she is much higher Raven club in the results we got. Yeah. The results we got were pretty, you were pretty low, which was fine, but I guess it is what it is. Yeah. And, you know, I think she was higher Slitherin than I thought she would have been. Yeah. I mean, I really like see her being more sweater and then Huckle path, for sure. I think so too. Speaker 1 00:22:17 I really like these analysis, this analysis from this, I found it on Pinterest, um, of slithering, especially I think this litter and the rabies ones are really nice. The help of upper Knorr ones are fine too. But I think the Southern of call ones are really give you more information about these people, because, well, you know, if you've read the series, like the grip doors are the stars and they are given a lot of leeway and they're given a lot of room to do whatever, you know, and you don't get to know as much about Raven claw, I think, especially right. Yeah. Luna is really the only central character. That's a Raven class, so yeah. Yeah. I mean, and then humble buckets, like a moment in one book and then you're like, oh yeah, I'm so the bed and I'm not even a puff. I just like to say we, the best I agree. Speaker 1 00:23:10 They really are. They're all. Yeah. So, um, but yeah, no, I think she's certainly more Gryffendor Raven club and she is gripping are slithering, but she's like no apple pie at all. So she and Rourke both very, very long way from home. Yeah. Before we talk about Peabody, um, I actually, can we talk about Feeney first? Sure. Yeah, we didn't, we didn't discuss feeding all beforehand. I told you to take the quiz. I did not post the results. Yes. I saw. Here's why I get the same results for BD as I got for myself, <inaudible> Peabody. Cause I didn't take Peabody's at all. And I got the same results again, except I flipped Gryffendor and Hufflepuff and there was less slithering and Peabody than there is in me. And there's not much in me, but I, but the top two were still Hubble pop in bourbon door, but they were flipped. So mine are 26 and 24. And so we're Hertz. Okay. Okay. Yeah. See, I got, I got 42, couple pounds. Speaker 1 00:24:44 I got 42 Hufflepuff in 29 grip and door and then 12% leather and 17% rate. Yeah. I don't a little higher on the door. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think, I, I don't know. Well, we'll take it away. We know she's a puff and then a Griffendor I think that is absolutely the truth. Um, yeah, for sure. So what was the one I have not read yet? So let me just tell you a little bit about Hufflepuffs. They are hardworking, determined, loyal, honest, genuine well-rounded open-minded giving fair and just good hearted, accepting, compassionate, passionate, practical patient, and dependable. They're not necessarily, um, unemotional, although they have a tendency to not want their emotions. Um, hope of puffs loyalty is not free in a selective and based on fairness will likely were prominent throughout their lives. So they don't necessarily understand what they're trying to say about their emotions. Yeah. But this is why I think I follow what they're saying about health solutions is if we don't get to know any hobbled pubs in this fucking series. Speaker 1 00:26:08 So yeah, I guess that, that stairs, so maybe, um, we do see a couple puffs getting into any sort of emotional thing is when their classmate has been attacked or their classmate has been murdered spoilers. Um, yeah. Um, it's not necessarily like this warm fuzzy person. She's never seen that. So now I get it. So now I get what they're doing with the local clubs thing there that makes that that's not Peabody be like here's my emotions. Yeah. Right on her sleeve. Yeah. For sure. Which is maybe, maybe part of her ribbon door side. I don't know. It could be, I don't know. Yeah. Because Griffin doors tend to be very emotional. Can I ask a question? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:26:58 So is there ever a point in time where you, um, in, uh, as fans of this series, reading these books going, why didn't she make more central characters who are these other houses Speaker 1 00:27:14 So that, so that their Speaker 0 00:27:16 Own unique personality traits can, you know, inform their actions and it would be different from the, the ones that were mostly following, you know what I'm saying? Speaker 1 00:27:29 Okay. Yeah, yeah, no, no, you're right. Yeah. But you know what? I probably have to read the series a couple of times before my, before I was like, mature enough to be like, wait, hold on. You know? Yeah. I didn't get little love good until five. This is bullshit. You know, like, right. Yeah. I mean really the only other Raven clause we met before Luna where, um, what pat Padma Patel and you know, a few random ones in there. Yeah. No, let me, Clearwater, Penelope. I forgot about, we came for her so hard and the second book we're like, fuck this bitch right there. Speaker 0 00:28:09 But the, so there's not a main character though. That is, that would be nice. Luna comes in and book five, it'd be nice, you know, so that you could like, they have a whole different personality than these other people and they solve these problems a little bit differently. They have a different way of living. It's Speaker 1 00:28:28 A very different type of Raven clod too. She's very quirky. And um, you know, kind of Spacey. Yeah. That is, that is, I think one of the biggest flaws in the book though, the book series is that she, the author, you know, just kind of said, this book is about Griffin doors and Griffin doors are only ever around ripping doors and it's it, doesn't it doesn't age. Well, um, you know, in that regard, but I also see, I see where it's going and I, I follow it, but it is not a thing that I love. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I am, you know, and I mean, really the story is based around Harry and his friends also like I have, um, I'm just gonna tell this to the world, somebody who was on this podcast, um, if Harry wasn't a Griffendor, he would be a Hufflepuff fuck all that shit about him being a slogan. Oh, you won't stand for it. Speaker 1 00:29:28 No, I'm with ya. I'm a hundred percent. My biggest Harry Potter hot take that no one ever wants to hear you talk about. And I agree with you a hundred percent. I don't think that Harry is slithering at all. The only reason that he was considered was because he had the soul part of Baltimore in there. It's real fun and not well explained in the movies. No, no, not at all, but, um, but yeah, I, I don't see slithering at all in Harry her meiny I see slither. I know. Right. You're not see it waiting for that. Yeah. Don't worry. We'll get you on the phone too. We'll get you in there, but seems like we'll be like, we have the ladies from podcast and death and a day will be like, I have seen the movies. I kind of paid attention Speaker 2 00:30:30 And watched the movies. I love Speaker 1 00:30:31 It. I love it. Um, but yeah, no, but I, I think Peabody is definitely kind of closer to the line on Hufflepuff gripping door to not, not, I think as close as work is it was brave and quad and Slitherin right. Or even Eve with Gryffendor reading club. But I think that it's, it's close. It's not, yeah. Giant, like had, had it come up that she was a Griffendor I wouldn't have been surprised, but I think she's more Hufflepuff. Yeah, for sure. So, yeah. So we skipped over Feeney. You said you wanted, because I wanted, I wanted to talk about those two together because I was so excited that we're all basically the same person Speaker 2 00:31:17 I get these Speaker 1 00:31:18 Partner guys. I just played a detective in a show. So now I know all about it. I love it. So, uh, yeah. Feeney's or Gryffendor Gryffendor slash Hufflepuff. Yeah. Yeah. Like feeding an Eve or team Gryffendor here, you know? Um, and it's funny because I feel like beanie is Griffin door probably for some of the reasons Eva's, but mostly for all the reasons I also, like, we don't really get to know this in the series. And we talked a little bit about it when we were talking about E um, that broken doors are prone to procrastinating. We don't know that beanie is, but I wouldn't be surprised. I feel like Feeney is like, oh shit, it's my anniversary. I should probably do. Like, I feel like they've been married for so long that it's kind of a thing where he would be like, oh yeah, I guess I should do that. I could see Feeney too, like putting up paperwork because he doesn't want to do it. Which does too. Yes. Yeah. I mean, I guess that's the procrastination side of beef. I mean, what else are they going to procrastinate on? Because we can't let them for their jobs. That is true. And I guess, yeah. And I guess even like, yeah, buying gifts, she's kind of a procrastinator. Yeah. So, Speaker 2 00:32:49 Okay. Yeah. We found the procrastination welcome to my house. Speaker 1 00:32:59 I love it. Oh my gosh. Um, we took someone, took a quiz for Louise. I took the quiz for Louise. Of course. Well, a w um, I know that you probably saw Jen answer and now you know about these houses, but what house do you think will be to be? Uh, I saw Jen's answer, but do you agree with that answer? Oh, you think it is? I think this is actually pretty accurate. I thought it was pretty accurate to Speaker 0 00:33:34 A Raven cloth for this is the <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:33:40 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:33:42 I mean, yeah. That's, I mean, that's yeah. That's what I would've said. Yes. Speaker 1 00:33:45 It was pretty accurate. Pretty accurate. Yeah. I may go a little higher, have a puffs, like more of an even split hookup and Southern. Um, yeah, but definitely primarily Raven pine Gryffendor. Yeah. So we don't, I think a little more slowly than half do. Yeah, I do too. I'm just looking at like the hardworking side as far as well. Yeah. But Willie's is Louise is definitely, um, she's an opportunist, not in a, like during the day. No, but, you know, um, and I think, I think that the ambition of a Slitherin comes, comes out a little more in a positive or guard here. True. Yeah. I feel like, so to me, this might just be because, um, this is the Hufflepuff in me talking, I feel like the hardworking part of the hopper pup is someone who thinks of not necessarily come easy to them and they continue to work hard. Speaker 1 00:35:00 So, you know, like that's what, that's, how I've always thought of. Um, and one reason why I like to, I would attribute that to Peabody is I think it was like, I don't know, she might be coming up. And one of the coming up books, you know, about how she just never really thought that she would be in this. She'd never get here, you know? And it's clear as we've watched her grow through the series, that it's not just about her instincts as a cop. Right. Um, but she's, she's working, you know, she's not, it doesn't come to her. She watches even, she's like, God, it'd be great for this to just come to me. It does to eat, you know, to me that is the hard working part of Buffalo puff that I'm thinking of, but I'm not agreeing. That makes sense. Yeah. Um, because we'll, we'll, we use has worked her ass off. Speaker 1 00:35:48 Yeah. Deserves all the recognition for that, but right. Yeah. I wonder if that's maybe more of the Southern side. That makes sense. That that totally makes sense. But then we didn't talk about Charles. We didn't. Um, but do you think there, I think, I think you're going to be surprised, but I think for all, yeah. I think it's a whole pump and then the grip and door as well. But I think he's a, quite a bit more than Gryffendor I think you're right now. Yeah. I haven't really thought about it. I literally was just thinking about it now. Yeah. But yeah, I think you're right, because I think he's, I mean, besides the fact that he's a licensed companion, he's very loyal. He's very, you know, and yeah. He's hard working he's um, yeah. Yeah. He's definitely, yeah. Speaker 1 00:36:51 I think he's got some Raven clapper in there too. Yeah. I wouldn't say it as much slither. And then Charles at all. No. Um, no, I don't see any further Charles. Nope. How about Morris or you think ha, I would say Ray would call for mass and I would say, yeah, Morris would be a Raven claw hall puff split. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. The secondary would be, I mean, I think, I think he's Raven claw clearly with a secondary. Yeah. Um, okay. Jen maybe, yes. Maybe this is a hundred percent leather. Yeah, just kidding. I would say she is, she's probably Gryffendor hopper puffs, maybe a little bit, but not much. And a little bit of sliver. Speaker 1 00:38:08 I would put her Hufflepuff first and then Griffin door, but I could see it. I could see the grip on first. I'm just thinking, because she is a very brave person. She's just bringing out a different way than he does. Right. That's true. You know, she, she sees what she wants and she goes for it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, and she's relapsed less as far as that kind of thing goes. So I think that's where I'm kind of aiming my Gryffendor arrow at her. All right. Um, Mira. Mira is right in claw. Oh yeah. Mr. Mira, Mr. Perez, totally off. Speaker 2 00:39:06 Well, he's like, he's like nothing else. He's just not <inaudible> but yeah. Speaker 1 00:39:19 If hell go help. A pop Hattie had a counterpart. It would be Dennis mirror probably. Yeah. Yeah. If we're, if we're looking for the best parallel between the series, we found it, there it is. Yeah. A hundred percent. Oh my God. I love it. Absolutely. Leonardo Squibb. I don't say that in any kind of hatred, but I love like <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:39:57 Would be from a magical family and not be able to do magic. That is what I feel is done poorly. Probably be fine with it. He'd be like, no, whatever. It's hard, you know, taking quick spell courses or Leonardo. I mean, your answer was so fast. I have, I have literal fast answers for any of these people bring them on, but no, um, no, I mean, I think the obvious answer is here sorted into a house is Hufflepuff. Yeah. And it's, and he's, he's so sweet and, but yeah, I also could just see him being the person. So, um, Speaker 0 00:40:47 Just for people like me who maybe didn't catch it and, um, just quickly, you know, define that Speaker 1 00:41:00 Is a person from a magical family who is nonmedical. So it's like the opposite of a Mughal born. Yes, he is Mughal born physical, but she's a witch. So, um, we meet two squibs in the series. Um, they're technically both in all the books, but we don't really talk about the one touch. One of them is amazing and one of them is not. Um, and so you watch the movies and so you know who Phil is, he's the guy who it's David Bradley in the movies. Yeah. He's the old man caretaker and real old man who like cleans up David Bradley. He is a squib and it's not at all explained to him the movies. So how, it's not that great. They left that whole subplot. Oh no, that would have explained some things, but whatever. Um, and so he, he is from a magical family where he cannot be matched. Um, which is pretty sad. I'm sure her wizards. Yeah. But no, I was kidding, but I also wouldn't be surprised and not ruin it and deport Leonardo. I also think though, he'd be like, oh, well he makes his own kind of match. What's the other Squibb, Mrs. Fig duh. Speaker 1 00:42:29 Well, you got, well, she thought in the movie, it was really at all, but she's not, is she except for in the fifth one? Um, so yeah. Um, maybe she's a tough one. I think I'd go slither and would maybe I think maybe. Yeah, for sure. Interesting. Yeah. I think I'd go slither and for Navy blue there and Raymond claw. Yeah. Yep. That would be my, my slip there too. Speaker 0 00:43:02 Definitely. For sure. Didn't have much. We don't know enough. Speaker 1 00:43:10 Yeah. But we don't know yet. We'll learn more about them. We don't know enough about him. I don't know. I might put Jake. I might put Jake and Gryffendor. I don't know. I just don't know enough about him. Oh, well Somerset would use somebody, I think Raven clock or Somerset. Yeah. I'm in agreement. Call Gryffendor. Yeah. Same. I mean, it would be easy to box him into Slitherin but I don't think Keith's litter. I don't find any filter on crepes or many. No, no, no, no. That's what I'm saying. It would be easy to look at Somerset and up, but he's not Speaker 0 00:43:52 Maybe he's what did we say? Ram club, but trying to pass as a Slitherin maybe. Speaker 1 00:44:00 Yeah. Well to Eve for Speaker 0 00:44:03 Some reason he wants you to think you slid around Speaker 1 00:44:07 Because I mean, listen. Dick's right. Yeah. No, no. He's not Southern. He doesn't have any of the traits of slithering. Well, maybe a few, but not, it's certainly not anything close to being his primary house. Speaker 0 00:44:34 We did say that we feel, we feel like Patrick Rourke and Eve's parents are all so Slitherin, Speaker 1 00:44:41 I don't even think there's worthy of Slitherin. I think they're muggles. Okay. Then that's fine. Yeah. I, wouldn't not sort them as a meeting. I would not inflict them on slither and house. Speaker 0 00:44:57 What about crack? Speaker 1 00:45:00 Ooh, good one. I want, oh, cause I'm, I'm trying to be like, what's my first instinct, you know? Yeah. My first instinct was rated classic. My first instinct was helpful. Okay. But he is smart and he's always kind of looking for he's very observant. I could see it. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'd go raving clause split would be a secondary for crack for sure. Speaker 0 00:45:41 Okay. Okay. Well, wait a minute. Jen's favorite Baxter. Speaker 1 00:45:45 Baxter. Baxter would be, I think Baxter's a hell of a lot. What do you think Paul? I can put back for a couple pub. What are you thinking? No, I think, I think a couple of bucks. Yeah. I think it's secondary. Is Raymond Clark. I think so too. Yeah. But yeah, I think he's, I think he's the guy. I think he's a puff. And I also think like I have a tendency to lean toward group in gore, but I think your part is also helpful. Yeah. A Griffendor would be an very close second. Maybe culture. Heart. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:46:32 Okay. He would be a novel long bottom and door. Yeah. Oh my God. You know, who is not holding up a long Gryffendor we did not talk about McNabb. I yes. Agreed. Yes. Agreed. A hundred percent. My God. Like we were thinking of characters, like how do we miss McNabb? Fuck. Yeah, yeah. Yes. McNabb is definitely open door. Then hop off. Absolutely man Gribbin, her house just got so much cooler. We got, we got some pretty great Raven people in this series. So these houses all got better. Yeah. Yeah. We got a lot of, we got work. We got Louise possibly get Morris. Morris Morris. Yeah. Mira. Mira. Yeah. C all right. Hell yes. Is that everyone? I don't know. Did we get everyone that we want to get? Is there anyone else we had made? I think we got all this. The primary. Secondary primary. Yeah. Yeah. Hell yes. I can wait for someone to be like, let's let me look and be like, nah, no, these people are then like, I want to have here. What the hell is wrong with you? People <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:48:15 She's clearly Speaker 1 00:48:16 A Slitherin right. 100. That was sort of basic census is dropping tomorrow. Um, so, um, so when people in the first few days, and we did, um, a whole section of, of like, um, uh, fandom sorting and it got, it got pretty heated about some things really? Um, yeah, there was a, well, okay. There was a friend's mishap because som was very drunk boy. And then, then they were like, no way we agree on this. Once the person who was drunk realized when they said, um, and I got some challenges on some of my, like I did Sherlock and, um, Adam did Schitt's Creek. And so it was, it was a pretty fun discussion, so, okay. I'm going to have to right away, because I'm still working through, I mean, you guys have got a lot of frigging podcasts, so I'm going to listen to that tomorrow. Yeah. But it's really, it's really just a fun thing to think about because then I think about he and for if they had like met at hot words. Yeah. Get excited about because then, then my brain is like, what if they went to Hogwarts the same time it's hairy. And it would be like, what the fuck is up with you? Three kids. They were always getting in trouble. Speaker 1 00:49:45 And the coroner in the cabin room, like Speaker 0 00:49:48 There is in that quiz. There is that one question about, um, if you, somebody that, you know, that cheated on a test or a test that, and would you like tell the, the professor right away or would you not tell the professor at all? Or would you tell that person that they need to tell the professor? And if they don't, you'll go to the professor. So for Eve, I mean, which one of those Speaker 1 00:50:21 Options believe I picked what I would have picked, which was two to tell Flitwick right away. See if I, I chose for that one, I were just choosing a, um, I would say something to the student and if they don't, I'm going to, because I feel like Eva's like a, I'm gonna challenge you on this shit. I'm just, I don't know. So I Speaker 0 00:50:53 Think that's what I answered for Eve as well. Okay. Speaker 1 00:50:59 Yeah. I mean, because also he would see, see, even as a student, like if this were as a student, I would want to see it kind of play out a little bit like, well, I know Speaker 2 00:51:12 We got 8% Raven class, so that's Speaker 1 00:51:16 A rate of clients are like, fuck. Yeah, I'm going to tell Flitwick are you kidding me? Speaker 0 00:51:20 It is like, you know, if the times that she's seen somebody like in another precinct or something like that, do something that like powers, for example, she didn't say like, I'm fucking going to my boss right now in your bathroom. He said, he didn't think of it that way you deal with it, you know? And if you don't deal with it, I will. Right. You know? And so I that's, I guess that's kind of why I answered that. Speaker 1 00:51:48 Yeah. That makes perfect sense. I guess. Yeah. I was just kinda like, um, Roark would Speaker 0 00:51:57 Like sit back and let it play out. Like I'm not fucking saying a thing Speaker 2 00:52:01 To be like, whatever. Speaker 1 00:52:03 Yeah, yeah. For sure. Peabody Speaker 0 00:52:08 Might be the one to go to the professor. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:52:10 I feel like she would be like, we have to do Speaker 2 00:52:13 This, right? Yeah. There are rules, Speaker 1 00:52:20 Especially like first half of the series B body where it's like obnoxious about rules and all of that. Yeah. Well, yeah. So that was, that was kind of fun. Like that was really fun. Just like stopping. Cause I feel like you have the conversation and you're like, oh yeah. Eve's obviously that's whatever, but like stopping to really think about it. And then also think about it in this context. I'm like, oh yeah, I love it. Cause I, I don't think I've ever been like, do I, do I think about what house does this mirror is in? I mean, you asked me, I'm going to say home, but I'm not going to think about it otherwise, you know? Right. No. Right. But yeah, like we said, he's clearly and clearly like Speaker 0 00:53:07 Yeah. So podcasts, business, um, we actually have a new, uh, patron, hang on a sec. Now that I say that I'm like, oh no, Renee is our new patron. Yay. Speaker 1 00:53:39 Yay. Thank you, Renee. We really appreciate Speaker 0 00:53:42 That. And we're glad that you, you know, like the show so much that you become a patron. Thank you so much. Really, really appreciate it. So yeah, I mean, and anyone, if you could become a patron, we would appreciate that too. You would get a, a heartfelt thank you on the, on the show like Renee did, it's $4 a month, which is a bargain and you do get an extra episode, an extra podcast, uh, our briefing room. If you become a patron and we're going to come up with other stuff, Speaker 1 00:54:18 We are, we keep saying that we need to give time, Speaker 2 00:54:24 But don't worry. We're going to get you more stuff Speaker 1 00:54:27 For your $4 a month, Speaker 0 00:54:29 One of these days. But here's the thing we did finally put together a, uh, merchandise store today store. And it's awesome. So I am going to link to that and either put it in show notes or all say something on Instagram. Um, I'll get you guys the link to that so that you can go check it out and if you want to buy something, you can. Uh, and I think that's really Speaker 1 00:54:58 The only, I just checked Twitter. Yeah. Heidi said this week's podcast was actually entertaining, entertaining, seriously entertaining. And I love you every week. Well, thank you actually entertaining. Yes, it is actually. Speaker 0 00:55:27 All right. So, um, I guess that's it then. Yeah. Uh, so next week, uh, is going to be, so we're going to be on vacation next week. So, uh, I think we've said before, what we decided to do was play. So we were on the romancing, the shelf podcasts, and we talked to them about who we think are the, you know, early prototypes of even Rourke from, uh, Nora Roberts tale series. Speaker 1 00:56:03 And Speaker 0 00:56:04 They recorded that. And by the time you, you get this podcast, they should have already released that to their channel. And you can go listen to that. You'd go look for, um, romancing the shelf, if you don't already follow them. And you know, they will play that. I think it's the 24th, they're gonna drop that shift. Um, but they, because of the restrictions for how they're doing their show, they, we recorded a little over an hour and they cut it down to like 20 minutes, half hour, 20 minutes. Right. Uh, but they did send us the complete recording that we made, including the part where we asked them our fan questions and they answered them, which was really fun. That's an extra thing. If you're, if you're a fan of theirs, especially you want to listen to this full episode that we are going to play next week, while we're on vacation, we'll play the full hour, the whole discussion. They're going to answer our fan questions. We're going to find out if they think a hot dog sandwich is the most important questions. Right. Um, and, uh, it was just general, so fun. So we will play the full, the full episode for you next week. And then Speaker 1 00:57:30 After that is purity here, Speaker 0 00:57:34 Which I already started. I just, I decided because you know, Jen said something on our life like, oh, next week we're going to be reading period. And I'm like, I forgot. It's supposed to be. Um, and yeah, already, I forgot how much I love this one too. I love it already. I mean, from the very first chapter sucked, Speaker 1 00:57:59 In fact, right in, yeah. Speaker 0 00:58:02 There's a lot of talk about there. So, um, that will be the week of the first week of July. And after that, we don't know we haven't planned that far, but we'll figure it out. We always do pretty simple. Okay. So I guess that's it then. And uh, Speaker 3 00:58:28 We appreciate you listening. If you want to get ahold of us, talk to us for any reason, talk about how you think we screwed up the Hogwarts houses for any of the characters. Speaker 0 00:58:38 You can do that by, uh, Speaker 3 00:58:39 Searching for us on social immediate pod. If we're searching for podcasts and depth on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, because we have a Facebook page. Now you can also send us an [email protected]. You can go to our [email protected] where you can call that number. The number is 2 0 5 4 7 6 2 7 5 3. And that spells out 2 0 5, 4 Rourke. And we will see you. Well, we won't see you next week. We'll be on vacation next week. We hope you enjoy next week's episode. Yes. And for and death, this is ha Speaker 4 00:59:22 This is Chen. This is Tara. Speaker 3 00:59:25 And we'll see you a week from two weeks. Speaker 3 00:59:41 Thank you for listening to podcast in death. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five star review on apple, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, we would greatly appreciate it. Podcasts and death is hosted by Amy Ryan, Jen Turkstra and Tara Corkery, and is edited and produced by Amy Ryan. The opinions expressed on this show are for entertainment purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the in-depth fandom at large podcast in depth is not in any way. Affiliated with Nora Roberts, Berkeley penguin publishing group or St. Martin's press. Our theme song is justice never sleeps by Cosmo and is available on this episode. And all of our previous episodes are [email protected]. Have something to say. You can email [email protected] or find us on social media by searching for podcasts and death on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, you can call us and leave a message at 2 0 5 4 7 6 2 7 5 3. That spells out 2 0 5, 4 Rourke. Thanks again for listening. And in the mortal words of Brian Kelly fucking slots are cheap.

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