Early Eve and Roarke Prototypes with Heidi and Emily of "Romancing the Shelf"

Episode 55 July 03, 2021 01:18:06
Early Eve and Roarke Prototypes with Heidi and Emily of "Romancing the Shelf"
Podcast in Death
Early Eve and Roarke Prototypes with Heidi and Emily of "Romancing the Shelf"

Jul 03 2021 | 01:18:06


Show Notes

This week, AJ, Jen and Tara are on vacation, so we are re-playing an episode that we recorded with Heidi and Emily of the podcast “Romancing the Shelf”!! However, while they (wisely) cut out all the superfluous and boring parts of our recording, we have kept all that in!

For those who are not familiar with this podcast, Heidi and Emily are reading all of Nora Roberts’ books in order by release date and then reviewing them. It’s a really great podcast that goes in depth into Nora’s books and if you are a fan of Nora Roberts, you should really be listening to “Romancing the Shelf”!

In the month of June, 2021, Heidi and Emily took on Nora’s “Night Tales” series. This series has long been a favorite for AJ and Jen, and over the years we have had many discussions about how we feel that the characters of Gage Guthrie from “Night Shadow” and Althea Grayson of “Nightshade” are, we feel, early prototypes for Eve Dallas and Roarke. So many comparisons between their particular stories match with early in death books, and we go over all of those in this podcast.

PLUS: Heidi and Emily answer our fan questions, so you will learn a lot about them that you may not already know…and they learn some surprising things about each other as well!


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:16 Welcome once again, to podcast in death, the weekly podcast where we discussed the in-depth series of books by J D Robb. I am AIJ I'm Jen I'm Tara. And this is episode number 55 of podcasts and death. And this one is a little different because as we told you before, a couple of weeks ago, we did a podcast with our kind of sister podcasts, Speaker 1 00:00:42 Romancing, the show Speaker 0 00:00:45 Where we discussed, um, what Jen and I think of the early prototypes for even Rourke. And they do a thing where they, they read they're reading all of Nora's books in chronological order. So this month, a lot of books there's a lot of books. Um, so th this month they were reading the night tales Speaker 1 00:01:10 Series and Speaker 0 00:01:13 I had sent them a message on Instagram and basically said, well, we have some things to say, once you get to that, you know, so they had a sauna and it was a, uh, a bonus podcast for them. They played it last week. Um, but they also sent us the file for the entire thing, because he didn't play the entire thing on their podcast. It could only be, um, half hour. So, um, Speaker 2 00:01:47 And you know exactly now we're like, this is not going to work half an hour. No, we don't know how to talk for a half an hour. Speaker 0 00:01:57 No, we do not. Um, so, um, anyway, this week is when we're all on vacation. So, um, we're playing this for you as a bonus or kind of, you know, vacation podcast vacation for you guys don't miss us while we're gone. Right. Exactly. Um, and this one is it's starts out with us asking them the fan questions. So you can kind of get to know them a little bit, if you don't already, uh, if you already listened to their, um, podcast, it came over to us. But after listening to theirs, um, you know, this might be interesting to you that you can get to know them a little bit better by listening to these fan questions that we asked them at the very beginning, by the way, they were, they were really fun to talk to, and they were so nice. Yeah, it was fantastic. And we've already talked about doing some other things together. Obviously worlds are gonna collide when, um, when we remember when yeah. So we're going to have to do a podcast then as well. Speaker 3 00:03:08 We're going to get to that well before them, right? Yeah. So we'll Speaker 2 00:03:12 Just have to wait not to go back and revisit it. It'll be fun. I don't Speaker 0 00:03:16 Know what they want to do about that. If they're going to, if they're going to, I I've talked to them about it, but I'm not sure what their plan is for that. We could have him on with us for that one. Yeah. We could just do one and it'll be just them on our show. And then when they get to it, then it could be us on their show. I don't know. Yeah. We'll figure it Speaker 3 00:03:37 Out. Yeah, yeah, Speaker 2 00:03:41 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:42 So anyway, uh, we're gonna play this for you and we hope you like it. And, um, that's you guys, Speaker 2 00:03:50 Anything else now? You know what it's like to live in the in-depth world? <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:03:59 Embarrassing. We like no nothing, but I like so interested to, to hear about. Yeah. And, you know, Speaker 0 00:04:05 I tried to, when I, when I did these questions, I tried to relate them to in-depth because you know, most of the people that are on our show know in-depth, um, but you know, we had, we, we gave these questions to my daughter cause she was on our podcast and she has absolutely no clue about in depth. And she was like, I don't know about any of this. And I was like, it's fine. You'll you can answer them. You don't have to know about it in depth. Speaker 3 00:04:26 Okay. Okay. That's good to know. And did a great job with it. It was pretty funny. Yeah. She did a great job with it. It's super hero. But, um, I don't know if Emily warned you about me, that I have a toddler who had the stomach flu, so poor guy. So hopefully, um, hopefully I don't seem like too brain dead and hopefully I don't have to like suddenly disappear. No worries at all. That happens to us all the time, half the time WhatsApp and recording because our dogs are barking or something. Right. We know how it goes. Right. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:03 So, um, so I'm going to go ahead and start my questions while we're waiting for Tara. Okay. Okay. Yes. Okay. Well the first one is favorite in-depth book and you guys don't have one, Speaker 3 00:05:15 So embarrassing. Speaker 2 00:05:16 Um, the first one, like curse one, anticipating reading it. It's going to be great. Yay. Speaker 3 00:05:22 Amazing Emily. Great answer. Speaker 0 00:05:24 Yeah. Yes, sir. Um, we also, uh, second one is favorite in-depth character, which again, Speaker 2 00:05:32 Well, we don't have, I don't, Speaker 3 00:05:34 I just say work, you'll be fine. Speaker 2 00:05:38 Plus to be like super awesome and make the magic. That's what I'm gleaning from Speaker 3 00:05:44 You. My Instagram posts Speaker 2 00:05:46 And the podcast episodes. I've listened to see magic. Speaker 3 00:05:50 Magic. Yeah. I mean, all I know from Y you know, from everything I've watched and seen and heard is that people are obsessed with work, so he's pretty great. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:59 Um, so this next one will be easy then. Um, what's the last book you read and not in depth related. Speaker 3 00:06:06 Okay. I completed, um, because I I'm currently reading legacy cause I got the art and I just finish, what was it? The calculates Megan's mate Megan's name. Speaker 2 00:06:23 I finished Megan's mate and recorded it. And, um, and so I moved on and was like trying to get as much non-Maori in as I could. And so I read a <inaudible> book and then I just read another modern or contemporary romance called the right swipe by Alicia, Ray, I believe with her last name. R a I and it was so good. So I listened to it on audio book and it was, it was a great modern, um, you know, romance. I really liked it. Awesome. Speaker 3 00:06:49 Yeah. Like the modern romance ages and historical fan. I'm a historical fan. Yeah. The Speaker 2 00:06:55 White book I read was historical fiction. Awesome. Yeah. I like to read all sorts of things for money. I do too. That's why I'm curious. We are not free by Tracy cheek. Um, and it is set in, um, during the 1940s. Um, and it focuses on a group of Japanese American teenagers who are a group of friends in San Francisco and their families are all forcibly relocated to, um, camps in Utah and California. And so each, um, I listened to the audio book for that one as well. And it's a full cast audio. And so each, um, sorry, hang on just a second. Admit Tara's here. Um, so each chapter is focuses on a different character and they each have their own voice actor and it was so well done and it was such a great story. Um, it was hard to listen to you, but I read it for Asian Pacific heritage month and do not regret it was so good. I'll have to check that out. That sounds great. It was a great audio book. Nice. Awesome. Speaker 0 00:07:53 Okay. So, um, you could say that in the end death world, Roark has a monopoly on several things. When you play monopoly, what piece do you choose Speaker 4 00:08:05 Top hat Speaker 2 00:08:09 Then bull <inaudible> little Speaker 3 00:08:16 Sturdy, sharp pieces. I guess this just relates to myself. I'm just <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:08:21 I hear you're on with that. Speaker 0 00:08:24 Yeah. So we know from a mortal, you don't know, but we know from a mortal that Rourke sings in the shower, do you sing in the shower? Speaker 3 00:08:35 Oh, I would guess for Emily, she, 100% sings in the shower, Speaker 2 00:08:39 A hundred percent singing in the shower. I sing and win arguments with people. That's what happens in the shower. The shower is for right. It's also washing your hair, but winning arguments. Yeah. And having Speaker 3 00:08:51 Concerts, I listened to, I listened to podcasts. I'm in the shower, turn them up. My sinks. I'm not going to lie. I've done that too. And so nothing wrong with that at all. You got to fit it in when you can. Right. Right. Speaker 0 00:09:07 All right. We'll try this one out. What gadget from the, with world would you most want to have today? So, um, that's not something you would know about, but in the future, let's, let's, let's do that. What gadget from the future. Speaker 3 00:09:19 Okay. We can do more at times. Change times was of a norm. I mean, I think, I think I'd want that space ship. You know, I need to travel faster. I need to get places faster. So, um, my family lives in the Midwest and I live on the east coast. So I might get there in like five minutes instead of hours. That'd be awesome. That'd be great. Mine Speaker 2 00:09:46 Is also the spaceship, but I don't want to travel to like meet my family and my people. I want to meet new people like space travel one day, like coastal states, my family, I'm going to Europe. I think commercial space travel one day, you know, that's going to be a thing. And I would love to, to commercially travel through space. It is, it is a thing in the in-depth series. Yeah, absolutely. Speaker 0 00:10:13 So this has nothing to do with in-depth. Uh, what is your most controversial opinion? Oh, Speaker 2 00:10:28 Do you want to know what age is? This let's hear yours. Speaker 3 00:10:31 AIJ is good, but the princess bride is overrated. Speaker 2 00:10:36 Oh, for sure. We're going to have words. I am actually in college, my most controversial opinion that I stated in a lit class, because I took a lot of literature courses was I thought that William Shakespeare wrote fan fiction. And the professor I told that to was like, I love that. That's what everybody wrote back then. Like back in the day, you didn't want to read stories about people. You didn't know. Why would you care about that? So everybody wrote different versions of characters that were familiar. It was all fanfictions. I love that. It's very controversial now, but at the time, the situation and the audience, I said it to, they were shocked, Speaker 3 00:11:21 But I love it. I love that. That's a great one. I guess I'm going to say, I don't think Emily even knows this for sure. And she's like, oh, Speaker 2 00:11:31 It sounds good. Need to break up our podcast and our friendship Speaker 3 00:11:35 Book related. But I like don't care about superhero movies. Like at all. I haven't seen like most of them, like sometimes Emily brings them up on the podcast and I just like, not like, I know when she's talking about, I did not know that about you. Me too. Wow. What about Marvel? And Tara's like Speaker 2 00:12:06 Good news is, this is not like a deal breaker for me. We can Speaker 3 00:12:09 Still good. Good, good. It's not for me either. And I'm a big dork as far as that. Okay. All right. So I love her. Speaker 0 00:12:20 Um, Rourke has an unusual collection of weapons of war. What unusual collection do you have? We both been purging a lot the last year, like the old one, Speaker 2 00:12:37 The Rio condo wing, everything for elephants as a kid. It wasn't a choice though. Like, you know how, like you say, oh, I like this thing. And then everyone gives you that thing. So like every birthday and Christmas, my grandparents and my aunts and uncles and would give me elephant stuff. And so I had all, I mean, all sorts of elephants, what broke that? Camel's back is my Grammy. My, my grandma, my grandmother. She gave me this elephant and then told me the history of it. And it was that she got it because one of the neighbors of her best friend passed away. And, um, and then people have like a garage sale of all of her stuff. And then she told me that the woman had passed away and we can cut this out of the podcast, but this woman passed away and they didn't know about it for three days. And so I was like, maybe the elegant lady. And I put all the elephants away, like all of them were gone. It was over. It was Speaker 3 00:13:32 Like, oh my gosh. Yeah, that would freak me out too. It was Speaker 2 00:13:35 Really, I mean the horribly sad and also for a 14 year old girl, I was like, whoa. So, Speaker 3 00:13:42 Oh my goodness. That's hilarious. Hm. What about you? What's your connection? The only thing I don't know, it's weird, but the only thing I think, I feel like I currently collect is I have like a favorite contemporary artist. Her name is Sally Nixon. And I have now I probably have about 10 of her prints and two originals. And I just told Eric like two days, sorry. I told my husband a couple of days ago. I was like, I was like, she's gotten more. And so I'm pretty sure he's bought me more from him. Speaker 2 00:14:12 I was going to say, I don't know, that's weird, but she's actually really awesome. She's a great artist and yeah, it's a really cool collection. Speaker 3 00:14:19 They're all over my house. Speaker 0 00:14:23 Um, I'm all for people collecting art. Speaker 3 00:14:26 Yeah, for sure. Speaker 0 00:14:28 Okay. So occasionally evil allow Peabody to stop for food. And more often than not, that is some sort of hotdog Speaker 2 00:14:37 Is a hotdog, a sandwich. Speaker 4 00:14:40 Oh, Speaker 3 00:14:43 I don't think a hot dog is a sandwich. And I, and I've seen this graph and it was a helpful grab about like toppings and enters. And if it's a sandwich, but I just can't get behind a hot dog being a sandwich, controversial question at RPA at our podcasts because I do not get the sandwich at all. And people are like, yes, it is. I'm like, no, wait is not. I mean, I would never say I want a hot dog sandwich, which makes me feel like it's not one. I think Speaker 2 00:15:11 Like you can go to any sort of deli and get a Turkey sandwich or a ham sandwich or whatever. You can't get a hot dog there. So you know, which isn't even in the name. I feel like we solved this one and it's good. Now I had as a taco. No, it's not. That's thrown a new, I mean, honestly kind of closer. You're not in the same sandwich family though. Right. Speaker 0 00:15:40 Okay. What lessons are you taking away from 2020? Speaker 3 00:15:48 I mean, the, probably the best lesson that we did was that we can like stay connected to people like better, you know, like, like, I don't know why, cause we've lived hundreds of miles away for years, but something about 2020 made it, like now we have like zoom dinners with our family on a regular basis. Obviously me and Emily, we like talk and zoom and stuff all the time. And I, I don't know why it took a pandemic to do it because it wasn't connected to the pandemic to kind of make it happen. But, uh, but yeah. Now, now I feel like we're like in this role of this being like more connected at a distance. Yes. I would love that. Speaker 2 00:16:30 I think I'm much more picky about who I spend time with. Um, and uh, like I cut out a lot of the, like I realized so many things didn't matter. Um, and I don't have to, um, you know, feel obligated to do those things anymore. And instead with the precious time that we do have and getting to see other people, I really narrowed that down to who's the most important and who I want to prioritize. And, um, 2020 really made that really clear for me about who that was going to be. So, um, yeah, it was awful, but now we made it yay so far. Yeah. Well Speaker 0 00:17:11 Those are both great answers. Yeah. Um, if Myra's playlist contained some songs from Mavis Freestone, some people might be surprised what band or artist would people be most surprised to find on your playlist, Speaker 3 00:17:35 Man, I dunno if he will be surprised, but I still hitting up some late nineties, like it's nobody's business, Speaker 2 00:17:44 Same name, um, I'm listening to another podcast. And one of their episodes that I listened to last week is called bop. And so all this week, I've just been listening to Hanson. I remember when I, like when I started listening to Hanson, cause I was on a trip with my family in Colorado and our cousin brought the Hanson CD and we listened to it the entire way there. My dad had to stop at a best buy so we could buy one of the CDs so we could listen to it on the way home. And he was just like, I'm really glad you guys are into music. I'm really glad. Yeah. He's super into music. So he's always really great about going yeah. And buying us the CDs that we wanted to listen to, he didn't try to force himself on. He picked up a lot of Brittany Spears and Christina Aguilera and Bewitched and yeah, he got all those for us. Cause he's a good dad, but Kimson was, it was, he's just really glad that we liked music. That's sweet. Speaker 0 00:18:53 Yeah. I don't know if you watch, um, Messinger that very first episode. I was like handsome. Speaker 3 00:19:02 I knew it was Hanson too. They just got, they were on messenger, Emily and they were going to be healed and they were, they were Russian stacking dolls. Speaker 2 00:19:12 Do you remember people speculating about the rushing stocking doll? Speaker 3 00:19:14 It was so obvious. There was Hansen. Speaker 2 00:19:17 I watched it, I texted her. I was like, okay, now I remember you do. Right. But they didn't want to know, you know what I'm saying? The whole time then after she was Speaker 3 00:19:35 Just going to be yelling at the TV, like the whole time I kept being like, just like Speaker 2 00:19:43 Giving the people what they want. That's right. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:48 Okay. So the last question is just, um, besides our podcast or yours, what is your favorite podcast to listen to? Speaker 3 00:19:56 My favorite is day one daylight. I love, I love Dateline and um, and these girls, Katie and Kimberly, they talk about it. And uh, so at first I watched Dateline and then I listened to podcasts. That's awesome. Speaker 2 00:20:12 I'm currently listening to a D and D podcast called Dungeons and daddies. Um, it's not a BDSM co podcast. Um, is that's like their tagline, the official tagline of the show. Yeah. Um, who, um, they are carpooling to like a soccer game and they, and their sons are, um, like go through this wormhole into the forgotten realms and they get separated from the kids. And so now each of them, they're all like on this journey to try to get their kids back. And they're like supposed to be growing as, but it is so hilarious. Like I laughed so much last week that I think I got like better abs or something. It was like a workout listening to Dungeons daddies. It's funny. That's funny. Um, we just got like, uh, the first PR like 25 episodes. They have, um, they have a librarian character who's evil. And I always love when librarians are evil because I work in a library. So we have an evil librarian and I just love it so much. It's so funny. So Dungeons daddy's highly recommended you. Like I love funny D and D stuff. Speaker 3 00:21:24 That's great. I think it aired. Was it last week or the week before? Um, about the teacher in Michigan that was murdered. I don't know if I've heard that if I listened to last week's yet. Okay. I don't know if you saw the episode or not. I was a good time. I knew her. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That was a big, huge deal here. Her husband, they probably in early, um, they finally arrested her husband last year or the year before, but we all knew it was him, but they don't always the husband. He was a bit, he had her surgery, she partnered with Teeter and at, um, Ken career's skill center here. Um, and she was the healthcare teacher. Um, he had her served with divorce papers in the middle of class. Oh my God. He was with a terrible human. Wow. That is awful. Yeah. It was awful. You were a fan of you had seen it. Yeah. I don't think, I don't think I listened to that one yet, but, um, but yeah, my husband's always like, should I be afraid that you watch all of these? I'm like, why should he be afraid of the husband? Speaker 2 00:22:29 Oh, that's one's always the one. Yeah. Well I know Speaker 3 00:22:34 How to hide a body in Michigan. So we've talked about that a couple of times. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:38 The more places you say that the more concerned, right. Hide a body because everyone will be like, she knows. No, I really Speaker 3 00:22:47 Can't kill anybody. It's like, I've set it out. A couple of podcasts. Speaker 2 00:22:50 Yeah. Too many buttons that option's gone. <inaudible> Speaker 3 00:22:54 Box yourself in too bad. I mean, not that I would ever murder anybody, but that's true. Speaker 0 00:23:06 Okay. Well that's it for our questions. Thank you for restrooms. Speaker 3 00:23:09 Yeah, those are fine. Yeah. I mean, I don't know about Emily, but I am really interested to hear this night tails, like in depth connection, you're going to have to make sure you give a lot of foundation because you don't know anything. And I have talked about this for years, actually that LPI and gates are very similar to even work. Okay. They're not a cup. Oh, sorry. So you hadn't revealed that part. Yeah. No. So, um, AGSM actually got a hole with the stuff, but Speaker 2 00:23:48 Althea and gage. Yes. Speaker 3 00:23:52 They're not one of the couples, but just they're separately. We feel like they're the prototypes or even work. I think out Theo is my favorite night tells heroin. He was really great. We really liked her. We were going to have Tara kind of go over the agent, wants to kick it off because we, yeah. We thought would start because Speaker 0 00:24:17 Probably a lot of your listeners aren't, uh, you know, familiar with the in-depth world. So probably start started up by kind of going over that a little bit. And that's Tara's job. Speaker 2 00:24:30 Hi Tara. Yay. Okay. So the invest series is about Lieutenant Eve, Dallas, uh, who works for the New York police and security department. So this is set. The first book is set in 2058 and, um, the NYP D gets a little bit of an upgrade on their name. Um, there's a lot of electronic crime and stuff. That's kind of become a forefront in this kind of series that we're not seeing in books set in this time period, obviously. Um, so Eve who, you know, we've kind of been talking about already, she's the central character of the book and, um, of the series of course, and Rourke is the other central character of the book book series. And of course, a few books and they do get married. They become a couple, um, works history work is not a police officer. Roark has kind of a shady history. Speaker 2 00:25:28 Um, we learned through the series that he, um, that he's, well, it's pretty obvious from the beginning he's Irish, but his history, his Irish history is kind of suspicious. Um, that's kind of how they come together. Even work is a suspect in the first book. So that's kind of, yeah. So they come together through work, being a suspect and what a meet cute. That is right. And it's one of those like forbidden things. Like I can't be with this guy, he's a suspect. And he's like, I can't be with her. She's a cop, you know, so it's, it's delightful, you know, but the series is now 50 plus books and there's this, this like hovering backstory of eaves that slowly has been trickling out for the series. Um, in the beginning we got a lot of it. We get some chunks here and there, and then there's like stuff that kind of tapers off and comes back and, and whatever. Um, and same goes for work. We get to learn a little bit more about him as the series goes on, but the central part of the books is their relationship and how it works into their everyday lives. Mark a billionaire, he owns all the things like what's his name? Um, yes. Speaker 2 00:26:50 And, um, Eve is not at all what you'd expect to be married to a billionaire or a billionaire or, or a bazillionaire. Cause I don't know what Rourke's actual level would be at this point, the man who wants the world, um, she's very plain. And as far as you know, she doesn't care about what she looks like. She doesn't care what other people think of her. She just does what she does. She's pretty kick ass. I don't know. Um, and Rourke is of course sexy and the epitome of what women would want, you know, just again, fall falling into that expectation, I guess you could say. Um, and the last part I wanted to say was this hearing is being set in the future, even though Nora start writing those books in the nineties. So things are kind of changed. And, and what she thought in the nineties would be like, the height of electronic advancement has changed in the last, you know, a lot of years, I don't want to math right now because it just makes me feel old. Speaker 2 00:28:00 Um, but what did I say? Um, but I dunno like the story revolves around crime on Eve's end and we're kind of helping her, I guess, is if you were to say like the most basic storyline is, this is an in-depth book Eve has a murder to solve because she's an homicide cop and Rourke is her husband who is really, really good at tech stuff. So a lot of times they're using tech to help solve the crime. And so then work, is there kind of as her right-hand man also literally her husband and between the two of them and Eve's band of cops and followers and friends, and sometimes her cat, we come to the end of the book, like, you know, we, we get to go on this lovely journey with them, every book. Um, but it literally starts with two people who shouldn't have been in love with each other, which is kind of super great to me. I don't know. And I'm really bad at this. I was going to prepare that a little better, but I didn't. Speaker 3 00:29:12 Yeah, that was great. Yeah. And so I'm, I'm interested. So, um, you know, Gage's story was published in 1991 and Althea story was published in 1993. When was this? When was the first in death? You know, 95. Okay. Yeah. So I can see those, those, those things are percolating. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:29:35 It's weird to try to imagine Althea engaged together though, right? Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like Speaker 0 00:29:43 That's, and that's the seamless even Rourke it's like, even, even the people that know them are like, what is like, what the hell is happening here? Like they don't Speaker 2 00:29:51 Go together. Yeah. But they do, they do what they do, but they do. And boy, I think one thing that is really interesting is we, especially the early nineties, um, Nora has a lot of family stories or a lot of connected stories. And uh, so, you know, we read the McGregors in the mid eighties and then, um, we read, you know, a couple like couple a duology is together. And then, uh, we just finished up the floss philosophies and the Calhoun women. And, um, and those are all, you know, like together. Um, but Nora has written the St well, JD Robb, Nora has written the same characters for 50, like 52 books, 51 books. And that's crazy to me to spend that much time with the same characters passing from the first book to the 50th book, uh, Korean years. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:48 2061 now. Okay. So they're almost there. They're almost to their third wedding anniversary. Yeah. Wow. Busy life. Speaker 2 00:30:58 Yeah. That's really Speaker 3 00:31:01 Entertaining to be in the fandom because people are like, you know, well, you know, this person could be Eve, you know, they're fantastic. And they're like, you know, the show, the series started 25 years ago and she can be, you know, I know she's 50, but she could play even we're all like, no, she could not, you know, the story only spans three years, right? No, only 31 32 now I think. But it's like, come on people. Wow. I mean, obviously those characters that she made. Right. Speaker 0 00:31:34 And, and for fans, it would be like, if, if you thought of your favorite Nora couple okay. Of all time, and now you've got 50 books of just them. Yeah. You know, it's so great. Yeah. And Speaker 2 00:31:52 Kenny, I both know who our favorite nor a couple is. Yeah. What are you going to say? Jake and Sarah. Speaker 3 00:31:59 Okay. Well, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, which ones we can Speaker 2 00:32:02 Sarah from lawless her only historical Romeo, Speaker 3 00:32:07 Western romance. Okay. Now a Gregor. Speaker 2 00:32:11 Yeah. Jake Redmond. They were great. And Speaker 3 00:32:15 It was, yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:17 Okay. It's also interesting that they got married. I, um, like in the fifth book, I think even work, get married Speaker 3 00:32:26 Third, third, the third bite. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:29 And so they've been married for all of these books nor doesn't typically write a ton about her, you know, in her romances, them getting married is kind the end of the story Speaker 3 00:32:40 That's dealt with her. That was what she wanted to do with the series. Do you want, wanted to explore a marriage that was upgrading them? Well, not the whole point, but one of the big points of it. Yeah. One of the best things for me, at least about the box is how much growth the characters have, because I mean, they literally only knew each other for what, six months when they got married and like that. So like a lot of their early parts of their marriage or them like getting to know each other basically. So, um, so yeah, there's a lot in those early books, you know, we're rereading we're. I mean, we're what about a third of the way through the series now? Um, approximately. Yeah. So they're getting to the point that they're at now where they're, you know, they're a married couple and they're more comfortable with each other and some of the things that were kind of, they kind of pushed at each other about in the beginning. They don't so much anymore. Yeah. You know, do they have kids? No, they don't. Speaker 2 00:33:41 Yeah. The really cool thing that I left out because Y Y we, I know we were focusing so much on even Rourke and their likenesses to these characters is that in this 50, these 50 plus books, we also get to explore the people around them. There are some incredible supporting characters who are a huge part of, especially Eve's growth, but even Rourke and the two of them together. And just the comfort that they find in this family that they've created. So that's, I think one of the other huge pools of that series is that there are charming, exciting, like secondary characters that you do care enough about to also sit through 50 books of alongside even roar. Speaker 3 00:34:25 So yeah, I'm feeling like I like so fascinated by this because Emily and I talked about, you know, some of these things that we like, that we love when we get snippets of, when we're just reading our norm, our Nora is our family series where you get to peak back in at a couple, or, you know, she explores the Messiah characters, but yeah. I feel like, yeah. I mean, I'm going to have to read in depth. Yeah. I am curious, you talked about, you know, without the ed, cause I said I loved Althea. Um, and now SIA has, this is revealed to have this very sad backstory of being in the foster system. And, um, so is that, is that pulled through with EMT? Well, let Speaker 2 00:35:09 Me go through it because I have a whole spreadsheet. I a spreadsheet. Okay. I want to hear, well, go through Speaker 0 00:35:17 Alfia first then. Um, well, as we said, Eve, Dallas is a Lieutenant. Uh, she's had 10 years on the job. Althea is also Lieutenant. She also has 10 years on the job. Um, Colt has this nickname. She, he calls her Lieutenant rather than Alfia a lot of the time. And that is also Rourke's nickname for Eve. He calls her Lieutenant. Right. Um, Althea has a friend on the force if you'll remember an older cop named Sweeney. Eve's former partner is an older cop that trained her and his name is FINI, um, Alfia keeps a bowl of sugar almonds on her desk. Um, Feeney Eve's former partner keeps a bag of sugared Almer almonds with him all the time. Wow. Okay. Um, man. Speaker 0 00:36:23 Yeah. Uh, at a certain point in the book a night shade Althea gets a call about a domestic dispute and it's a guy who had a fight with his wife and then he grabbed their daughter and he ran up the stairs and LTE goes chasing up the stairs. And um, and then Colt ends up killing the guy and saving the girl. The interesting thing about the in depth series is it opens when it opens Eve Dallas is having a nightmare about a call that she got the night before. And it's a domestic dispute where the husband was having a fight with the wife, grabbed the girl, ran up the stairs. And, but in here's the difference between Nora and JD Robb, uh, in the in-depth series by the time Eve gets to the guy he's already killed the girl and she has, and he attacks Eve and Eve has to kill him. Speaker 0 00:37:28 So that is that, that was trauma that she had right. At the very beginning that has to be explored because it brings up all of the stuff from her childhood. So, um, so yeah, like, like you said, I mean Althea's father was abusive and uh, it says in the book that he was killed when she was six and then her mother walked out when she was eight. And then she was put in the foster system for Eve, uh, Eve's mother, uh, both mother and father were abusive. I think it says that Eve's mother walked out. She's not sure she thinks maybe when she was two or three and then Eve's father abused her until she was eight and sort of mentally, but on purpose killed him, killed him. Yes. Yes. Speaker 3 00:38:26 He was, he was raping her consistently to make room her, to sell her to other men. Oh my yes. So yeah, it was dark, dark, really dark. Yeah. The, Speaker 0 00:38:42 One of the big differences between in-depth and regular Nora books in depth tends to be very dark like that. Yes. Wow. Yeah. Um, so Speaker 3 00:38:52 That particular time he broke her arm, right. Had been cutting a piece of cheese because she was so hungry. Wow. Speaker 0 00:39:03 So then she, she got scared and left the, the, they were in the hotel in the hotel room and she was found by some police officers and then eventually put into the system. So that's where she, and Alfia, you know, are the same. Speaker 3 00:39:19 It takes her a couple books to remember all that, by the way. Speaker 2 00:39:22 Right. Yeah. We'll follow that right at once Speaker 3 00:39:26 Because Ooh. Yeah. Yeah. It takes a while. It's a couple bucks. Yeah. You are reading that. Speaker 2 00:39:33 We felt like night shade was, um, was one of the darker books in the night tale series because, um, you know, there, the whole, in all of that book, they're searching for this missing 13 year old girl, um, who they find out has, um, kind of gotten, um, sex trafficked and into this group of men who make really rough, violent, um, um, like pornos. And so they're trying to rescue this girl, knowing that all of this bad stuff is happening to her the entire time, which is definitely not something we had seen in nor as before, like they were always able to get there before the bad thing happens. And so in this one, the bad thing, well, I mean, there were a couple of serial killers, you know, bad things happen, but, um, you know, this was, uh, uh, one where they rescue the girl and she's got all of this trauma that she has to kind of go through. Um, and so it was a much darker Nora than which makes sense why then she would kind of yeah. Continue Speaker 3 00:40:31 With that material in a way. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Wow. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:40:35 Um, so yeah, I, I do have, this is something that I think when we talked about it, because, uh, Tara hadn't read the, um, the Nitel series. She's only read in depth and I, um, read this kind of passage from, I think it's a night shade and it, it could be honestly word for word, word for word from the in-depth series. Speaker 2 00:41:06 Did you read tales after I read these two? These two? Okay. No, I was like, can I read just those two or Speaker 3 00:41:18 Do I have heard the whole theory? Speaker 2 00:41:21 One, two? I just literally don't have time. No, no. Yes. We feel the same way. We are often the reading schedule is ridiculous. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:41:34 So, um, I dunno, let me, let me go through, um, night shadow real quick. Speaker 2 00:41:41 I'm so interested to hear about this one, because it is so different from any nor I've read. Yeah. It felt like it wasn't a complete story. Like I needed, I needed her to continue it because there were so many unanswered questions for me. Speaker 0 00:41:54 Yeah. Do you mean night shadow or shadow? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, and again, this is, this is the in-depth series. This is like, you had that feeling at the end of it. But with us, we got, oh, we've got 50 more bucks. Right. <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:42:13 You could read those books. Speaker 0 00:42:16 Yeah. And when the, and when they can in-depth came out, that's the first book, you know, we didn't have that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:23 Did they, did she know that it was going to be like, she often did sign kind of saying, like, I'm going to write three books. Was that how index started? It was supposed to be a trilogy. Speaker 3 00:42:33 Okay. Well, so that's kind of, um, sorta, it's sort of, kind of in bag with that answer. She was originally, she was originally contracted for three bucks. Okay. So, um, but I think she had said that she always kind of planned for more if she could. So, um, so when the first three books were a big hit, she was like, and they were like, okay, we want you to keep going with it. So did it feel like the first they have an arc and then yes, very much so. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:43:09 They, they, I followed, they very much followed the standard story article Speaker 2 00:43:14 At the end of the third book. They get married right Speaker 0 00:43:18 First, but they meet and they first start to get together. The second book is more kind of like boy loses girl. Yeah. They break up for a while. Yeah. And they, at the end of the second book, they commit like, okay, we're going to do this. We're going to get married. The third book is everything leading up to the marriage, to the actual wedding ceremony? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no. Yeah. So, um, if we go through night, night shadow, well, first of all, we know that the heroine's name is Deborah O'Rourke. So right there, like, you know, um, at one point in, in the book, uh, Debra says to gauge, you're not going to tell me you own this place too. And he says to her, know what you like to, uh, that happened several times in the in-depth series. In one, they put here from one of the books Eve says to rock, you don't like own the aquarium, do you? Speaker 0 00:44:19 And he says, no. Would you like to? Wow. Um, when she first sees Gage's house, she's describing it and she's saying towers and turrets up from the sky high mullion windows gleaned from the S uh, with the sun terrace is jetted out, then danced around corners. When he first sees Rourke's house, she thinks she sees, uh, towers and tourists spirit up into the sky. It's terraces and strong lines jetted out. There were lots of glass and lights burning gold behind the windows. Wow. Um, in, in Knight's shadow, you know, Deborah, once she starts dating gage, her nickname becomes darling Deb. Yes. Uh, Rourke calls, Eve, darling, Eve. And they, they have, you know, because it's the future. They have a computer that runs the house and he even programs the computer to call her darling Eve. Wow. Ooh. And then Speaker 3 00:45:22 Embarrass as her, when her cops hear it. Right. Speaker 2 00:45:24 Oh, Speaker 0 00:45:27 Uh, this, this one we thought it was funny, uh, at a certain point, you know, in, in night shadow, a gauge shows up at Debra's apartment and then he calls and here comes this waiter with a rolling tray and he's bringing breakfast over in naked in death. Roark shows up at Eve's apartment, then calls the waiter with a rolling tray that comes in with dinner. Um, during that breakfast, uh, gage gives Deborah coffee, his own special blend. And, and she tells him, you know, you don't play fair. Um, Rourke gives Eve coffee, which in this world is rare because of the depletion of the rainforest. So there's really not a lot of coffee around. So they Speaker 2 00:46:19 Emily that's for sure. Speaker 3 00:46:22 Yeah. You know, Speaker 0 00:46:24 Uh, mostly it's like a soy substitute, but Rourke of course has the real thing because he's Rourke. And so he gives her cough is the first time she's had real coffee and it's a big deal in the series. And it was a big moment for her. So later on, she gets a delivery and it's a bag of coffee from Roark. So that's a big deal in the series. This whole thing about coffee. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:46:51 There's a lot of jokes about how they can never be like split up because she can't give up the coffee. He knows how to woo. A lady apparently. Speaker 0 00:47:00 Yeah, exactly. You know? Um, Speaker 2 00:47:03 Does he is rural his last name, his first name is only name is <inaudible> it's like or Elvis Speaker 3 00:47:12 It's just, yeah. Speaker 0 00:47:14 Yeah. Okay. That's again, Speaker 3 00:47:16 A very big debate over whether he has a first name or not, because I mean, his name is pat his work. Yes. So, but he was also abused as a child. Oh right. Father was a terrible person. So, um, and his name was Patrick, so there's a lot of speculation in the fandom because we're kind of his last name and ran with it. And, um, you know, it's never revealed. And Nora has said several times that it won't be, oh, wow. Right. So there's what in portrait, um, which is, we're getting to a pretty soon here. Um, he, he finds out, uh, something, I won't spoil it for you, but he finds out some things. And, um, he actually has, he looks up his birth certificate and it's never even revealed. Then he does find out if he's a, he's a year younger than he thought he was, but right, right, right. Yeah. It's not even revealed that. So Moonlight as a mass vigilante, they can turn invisible. Speaker 0 00:48:23 He does not, he does not. But, uh, gage does have that kind of bat cave that like secret bat cave with all the computers, everything Rourke has the same thing. Okay. Speaker 3 00:48:34 Same sorta like a big room that's filled with illegal computers. Right. Speaker 2 00:48:39 But if he's not using his bat cave to be a vigilante, what is he using the information he's getting in the bat cave for? Um, well purposes Speaker 0 00:48:50 Future, um, in this future, uh, the government, uh, why is it everything watches, everything you do online. Yeah. Okay. His illegal computers are disconnected from that service registered, visible. He is kind of invisible. Speaker 3 00:49:11 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's very, uh, very tech savvy and very, uh, sneaky. Speaker 0 00:49:17 Like you could kind of say that he turns into gauge once he meets either. Speaker 3 00:49:21 Yeah. She helps her quite a bit. So a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Speaker 0 00:49:29 It's crazy. And here's the other, here's the other I'm seeing that blows people away when we tell them about it. People in the in-depth fandom, there's a moment where, um, Debra finds out that gage has said something. I don't know, she's angry at him. And she storms over to his house and, you know, goes into the house and, you know, he's upstairs. She goes up to his office and they have the big fight. And then it says that she turns around and it, it says in the book, gage, push, pushed a button under the desk and had the lock snap into place. Um, in the second book, same thing, even work had a fight. Eve storms over to his house, goes into his office. They have this big fight in his office. Then she turns to go and it says at the desk, Rourke cursed himself for a fool and hit the button to engage the law. Wow. Speaker 3 00:50:25 Yeah. I mean, I mean, there's really, I mean, I mean, you guys have convinced me <inaudible>, Speaker 2 00:50:35 I'm still trying to like picture I'll Thea engaged together. And it was just so, no, I mean, that's not, I don't know. It's like there, when you try to put the same ends of a battery together and they push it, that's what it's like in my mind was like, don't do it. So Speaker 3 00:50:52 That's kind of a thing because they're very much, I mean, they come from different sides of the kind of law and order spectrum, you know, former criminal, or it's still kind of a criminal when they meet, you know, he's still kind of doing shady things on the side and, um, you know, Eve's this cop that's completely a hundred percent committed to justice and yeah. I mean on paper, they probably shouldn't work, but they do. Yeah. Sparks fly when they, when they meet that's for sure. So, no, I'm there it's third grade. I mean, I know we made it sound like they were super dark and depressing, then there's also a lot of parts in it too. There's a lot of really great levity, a lot of great banter. I mean, you guys know you read Nora. Nobody does. I mean, honestly, and these books are filled with it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. I've been meaning to pick up in Dez, but as Emily said, we are, we're like, just, I mean, you guys know how prolific this woman was like, and, um, and you know, most episodes were covering multiple books. And so, but I've immediately become in depth. And I want it even more now because of, I mean, these characters, I'm like, how is this going to work? And the, all this builds, like you just get so much more, you know, so much more, Speaker 2 00:52:24 He did mention a lot. Um, when we were talking about night tales about how, um, sometimes they wrapped up a little too quickly and it was like, they, they have all these things that are keeping them apart and then they just decide we're going to be together. And I'm like, but like, I'm glad, I'm glad for you. I'm happy for you. I'm going to let you finish. But first, like what are the practicalities of you guys being together? And so it seems like she answers those in, in depth because you get to see them going through the practicalities of what it means to choose to be together. And so, yeah, that definitely sounds like something that we need to, to read. And yeah, we also know, like we talk all the time about how awesome Nora is at writing side characters and, um, and she is able to tell almost like a complete, um, a complete love story and just a few scenes between some of her side characters. Speaker 2 00:53:17 And that was evident in goodness. The last one. What does that mean called heady Knight shield? Yeah. Um, the last of Knight tale series, there is a side couple, um, that work in the bar that the, our main character is going undercover and, and they have a great, just, I think they only have a handful of beans in the whole book and they tell a complete love story that I just love, like fell in love with them. I love them so much. And my notes for that, I just wrote down their names with a heart next to it. Speaker 3 00:53:51 Yeah. And we that's that a lot on our show. Um, there's several other couples that kind of come together in the course of the series. Um, Speaker 2 00:54:01 Favorite side characters. Speaker 3 00:54:04 Um, my favorite is Louise, but w w we just met her. Um, you guys would meet her until what it's conspiracy. I think it's her first one, right? Yeah. But I mean, Peabody is everybody's favorite five character wheezes. Speaker 0 00:54:21 Louisa's, uh, you know, love interest. You meet him in the first book we meet. Speaker 3 00:54:27 Yes. We meet her future love interests in the very first book. That's Speaker 0 00:54:31 Interesting. You should tell them about Charles. Okay. Speaker 3 00:54:36 So Charles is what they call in the future, a license companion, which is a prostitute, but prostitution is legal in the future. It's just regulated, which is a good thing. Um, so, um, Eve meets him because he knows the first victim, right? Probably yes. Yeah. He knows the first victim. And so she goes to interview him and he kind of floats with her and, you know, starts, they, they kind of have this lump banter thing. And so, and she comes away from it going, you know, he's, he's kind of fun, you know, and he actually ends up helping her solve the case. Um, by letting her know that he remembered that there was diaries that the first victim kept. Um, and then later on, we meet him again and another book in the series. What about fight in six what's holiday six. Um, and he's, he's joined a dating service because he wants a, he wants a girlfriend outside of his job, you know, and of course, that's kind of a hard thing to do when you're a licensed companion, you know, so he meets Louise in the book. Speaker 3 00:55:52 We just finished actually production. But prior to that, he's dating Eve. So Ragnar sort of dating Eve's partner Peabody. Um, she had also dated McNabb who is another cop. So there's like, as Tara calls it, the stupid love triangle blocks, there's like four of them. And we're all like, come on, we all know what, how this is going to end. So, um, so yeah, so then he meets lorries and, um, she doesn't care at all. You know, he tells her what she does, what he does, and she's like, oh, that's cool. And you know, they go out and they, they ended up together and they got married a couple of weeks ago here. So, um, yeah, it's been a while actually, but it seems like a couple, Speaker 0 00:56:38 It's pretty interesting, a really progressive thing that Nora did, they're making prostitution illegal and something that nobody cares about. Yeah, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker 3 00:56:54 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:56:56 Eve also has a best friend. Her name is Mavis, which we have a character in the, uh, uh, night shade. I think it is. Yeah. And her last name is Mavis, so there's another connection, but he, his best friend has Mavis and she becomes like a pop star. So I describe her as like, um, lady Gaga on steroids or that kind of, Speaker 3 00:57:20 That's really interesting. Cause I I've always been like, wait, I, I could not take maintenance as a friend because she's so like out there and crazy and nuts, but like how does he put up with her? Cause I find her a little annoying honestly, Speaker 2 00:57:39 And she's fun. And she lives in a book. Speaker 3 00:57:42 What I love most about Mavis is that when Eve really needs advice made us is solid with the advice like right there. And it's like, okay, this is what you're going to do. And you're going to do this and too bad if you don't like it. And you know, she does it and it works out. So Speaker 0 00:58:00 Yeah, in the second book, when she was having a break with Roark, she goes to Mavis house and they get drunk together and they, you know, talk Speaker 2 00:58:09 About behavior. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. There are so many great side characters and Speaker 3 00:58:14 The Siri Aja Speaker 2 00:58:17 Mentioned FINI captain Feeney, who was E's former partner. We love being, he is Speaker 3 00:58:25 Phoebe's universally loved. I think Speaker 2 00:58:27 He's just exactly the kind of cop you need an every cop story. Like he's, he's old school and sarcastic and practical to a fault. Like he's just great. I don't know. I, I can never get enough of captain FINI. Um, and also it's really cool because again, 50 books Eve has a whole squad because she's the Lieutenant of, of, of homicide. So she's got all these cops who work under her. So you get to know these people slowly through the series. Again, it's just like the luxury of, of getting these people that you're like, oh my gosh, it's great to see that person again. And that person's a detective now when just there's so many things that like, I don't, I don't want to indulge in too much information for you guys because I want Speaker 3 00:59:13 You to read it and yeah. Yeah, yeah. And another thing that's great is that, you know, work ends up connecting with so many of too, like, you know, he ends up like him and him and Theni had ended up having like the best bromance ever. And we're all like, we loved her, we love the work, Katie bromance. It's so great. But also McNabb and work also because, you know, beanie and McNabb were both in what they call the electronics detective division. So it's all computers. Um, you know, they investigate all that stuff. So they're all, they're both kind of techie geeks too. So they kind of bond with work over that. And you know, and Deni is basically like a father to Eve, which he figured that out in the first book. So I don't think that's really a spoiler Speaker 2 00:59:59 Impossible to spoil because I forget everything Speaker 3 01:00:06 You can spoil me. I'm glad. So, um, so yeah, so basically any base layers, you know, works father-in-law at this point. Um, so, but they have such a great relationship. So it's fun. Well, I I'm so bad that you guys like that we got together and we talked about this because I did not. I obviously I know a lot about Nora's Rowan's Canon, but I don't know anything in depth. It's just embarrassing. But now I feel like I do more, which is glad. And I mean, I feel like I have to, I have to, I have to just have to go pick up taking a death. I mean, it, it just feels like these have the things you love about Nora, but then you just keep going. So it seems like a win, you know, we'll have to do this again when you guys read, remember when? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Speaker 2 01:01:02 I think that we've read, we read, remember when, right. Cause that's the one that is like two books in one and right. It's remember when and then is it hot rocks? Is that Speaker 3 01:01:12 The second one? Remember when is the originally published book? Okay. And it was split into two Nora wrote it specifically to introduce north ends to JD Robb and JD wrapped bands to Nora. Okay. So the first part of it is the neuro story. Um, and then the second half is the even work story and they connect. Okay. Yeah, we haven't read those, but then it was split into two. Yeah. And what were the titles of the two big jacks? Yeah. Yeah. Rocks was the one was the Nora story. Speaker 2 01:01:52 Cause I know that we've red hot rocks because we picked it up when we were living together in the Speaker 3 01:01:57 Oh, you mean that we live not for the podcast to just read that. Speaker 2 01:02:00 I, no, this was like 10 years ago. Well, more than okay. Speaker 3 01:02:03 Yeah. Yeah. Max and Laney are the heroin heroin in that one. Yeah. And then yeah, the even word story kind of picks up from there. Speaker 0 01:02:14 Interesting. Okay. <inaudible> it has to do with their granddaughter. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:02:24 All right. Well then we'll have to, we'll let you guys know when we get closer to reading that one. Yeah. It's going to be a while for you guys. I think that's what I was thinking. Or like we, when we started talking about doing bonus episodes last summer, we, um, started following your podcast and stuff, following your Instagram, we were like, we need to talk with them. And so, um, I messaged AIJ like last fall and we were like, yeah, someday, we're going to get, because we were in the eighties at that point so long. So yeah, it was. Um, but we also want to see if you guys are still good with doing a, um, uh, talking with us about the movie carnal innocence, because we're going to be covering carnal innocence this summer. And um, I think in Speaker 3 01:03:12 August, I think it comes to the episode will come out in August and then we want to do a bonus episode the week after where we talk about just watching the movie, Speaker 2 01:03:22 Um, the bonus episode probably in July. Um, but yeah, I, Heidi and I are testing out a couple of different ways to do movie watches, um, to see if we can, um, can do one where we, like we would watch all together and then, or if it would be better if we watch it separately and then just talk about it. So, um, we'll play with that a little bit and then let you guys know interested in. Speaker 3 01:03:43 Yeah, that'd be fun. Yeah. That'd be fun. Definitely. Awesome. Yeah, we saw that, but we did a bridge tin watch together. Yes. Speaker 2 01:03:55 Sorry. I was a little surprised cause it petition doesn't seem very similar to in-depth at all. Yeah. <inaudible> somebody Speaker 3 01:04:08 In one of the JD Robb groups on Facebook that was like, I don't understand how they think birds are tending to in depth or anything alike. And we're like, they're not, we're just watching the show and talking about it. Speaker 0 01:04:20 We're watching it just because Jen and I are fans Speaker 3 01:04:24 Because they're similar it's because we were going to watch it Speaker 0 01:04:27 Anyway and, and, and tweet about it, but we're like, why don't we just tell everybody? And then they could just follow it. Yeah. But it was just something we were doing for us. Speaker 3 01:04:35 Yeah. It was. I mean, it's a fun show. So it was, Speaker 2 01:04:38 It was so good. I can't wait for season two. I think it's going to be awesome. I know I'm excited for that. So excited about that. I do want Speaker 0 01:04:44 To say, well, if I can interject here real quick, cause you guys do a thing where it's like real relax. Yes. Okay. So, um, for us, uh, if we're going to talk about a Rita, like for me, uh, there's a series by Suzanne <inaudible> that her, uh, Samantha Jellicoe series. Okay. Very similar to in-depth, but it's kind of reversed. The, uh, the heroine is the thief and the hero is just a billionaire guy and she breaks into his house and it's hilarious, but, um, there's five books in that series and they're really good. Speaker 2 01:05:21 Sounds good. Yeah. Okay. I love hearing that. Speaker 1 01:05:26 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:05:28 We do love Norris thieves a lot. Love them. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:05:32 Yeah. We actually, I actually kind of made a list of similar to Rourke heroes that nor has oh, who have you got on your list? Okay. Well, so not, not very many thieves, actually. The only one I've got is, uh, Ryan bilberry and Luke Callahan from delusion and Homeport home court. Speaker 2 01:05:53 Oh. Home court is one of my favorite Nora's Speaker 3 01:05:56 Favorite Nora's I Speaker 2 01:05:57 Think I've said that probably like 10 episodes. I'm just like, yeah. Do you guys know what I was like, no. Yeah. I just love a charming thief and he's an abatement that you will love for. Speaker 3 01:06:11 Um, and then I've got, just because of the way they, um, you know, kind of the rich guy who's kind of suave and sophisticated and, you know, has to put up with the heroin's crap. Um, Trevor McGee from the cheers, the moon series. Um, oh yes. I agree with that one, but okay. Through my books today and was like, I just, just because of his, I don't, I mean, Darcy, we wanting to talk about that, but, um, but I just feel like somebody has some of his act the way he acts, um, Sam, Logan from three sisters, Speaker 2 01:06:58 Um, Speaker 3 01:06:59 Rogan Sweeney from the born in serious. And I had CAMBA the vampire from, oh, this list has helped giving me a vibe that was kinda my idea or idea. Um, you know, cause that's kind of, and I've also got Jake Greystone on there just because I feel like he's got that arrogant. Um, kinda, I don't even know how to describe it. He's very, he's very work ish in his kind of rubbish actions. Um, but, and I just fucking love, pardon my French. Sorry. Um, I just loved Jake Speaker 0 01:07:42 That's okay. On our podcast, but this one, this one, right. Speaker 2 01:07:45 I often Carson like Heidi, I know. And you got to do it again. I'm a really, I work with children, but I have a really bad potty mouth and I curse a lot, but I want to seem like, I don't know on our podcast, we don't talk about like, it's fine. You can do it. I was like, no I can't. Speaker 3 01:08:09 Yeah. We swear a lot. I don't know if you guys noticed that Speaker 2 01:08:12 I was going to, what is the name of that series that we read by Sherrilyn Kenyon? The one that set in Ireland where, um, Mac goes over to like, what is that? And the guy's name is Jericho and he Jericho barons, Joe Jericho, Bo barons. And I was gonna ask if you guys were familiar with this Speaker 3 01:08:31 One, um, she Speaker 2 01:08:34 Doesn't. Yeah, but this is her non that series. Speaker 3 01:08:41 Kevin, Mary. Yeah. I don't think I've read that one. Is it just a fever fever series? Oh, that's Karen Marie moaning, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, Speaker 2 01:08:51 Yeah. All together. Um, yeah. Camry moaning. So the fever series, have you guys heard that one? Is that Speaker 0 01:09:00 I read some of it. I didn't read. All of it Speaker 3 01:09:02 Does is Jericho like, like work? Yeah. Speaker 2 01:09:06 Yeah, because that's how I imagined work just from like the outside looking in. I imagined him as Jericho barons and I loved Jericho, Speaker 3 01:09:14 So yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. And you know, we've discussed with ad nauseum on our podcast, but there's times when work is very problematic. Okay. Well, we've encountered that. We read it all. Speaker 2 01:09:30 He can be as problematic as some of those 80 heroines, Speaker 3 01:09:34 You know, when it starts out, it's very nineties like alpha male hero kind of pushy. And um, but you know, he mellows a lot. I mean Speaker 2 01:09:44 He does Walker into his room after fighting together. So I Speaker 3 01:09:47 Mean yeah, true. That he breaks into her apartment and the first book. So very attractive mean. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:09:58 But also, well he tells her what to wear when she doesn't know. She doesn't know what outfits to put together. Speaker 2 01:10:06 She's like, thank God. You're here to tell me what to wear. Speaker 3 01:10:07 Not like that. Yeah. Well it is. Yes. Yeah. She'll come out and he'll go. Not that jacket. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's so many people in the fandom though that like hate that he does that and it's like, she would, I love it. Yeah. He's the fashionable one. Yes. Funny, true. Speaker 2 01:10:28 Romantic partner will not let you walk out of the house looking awful, but they won't make you feel bad Speaker 3 01:10:32 About exactly. And that's exactly it. Exactly it. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And there's times where like he doesn't do that, you know, because he's distracted or upset about something and you'd like, why isn't he telling me what to wear? Like, like Speaker 0 01:10:47 Why is he mad in the grade? What about it? Is that by the, by the 50th book, she's like, she reaches for a jacket and then she goes, oh, wait a minute. Okay. That work wouldn't want me to wear that one. I should probably wear this one. So she learns as it goes along. It's just so great. Speaker 3 01:11:03 Yeah. Okay. Well this has been really fun. Yes, yes. Yes. Very, very fun. Sorry. A little Speaker 0 01:11:11 Longer than you probably, but no, we'll, Speaker 2 01:11:14 We'll figure it out. And thankfully zoom extended our, um, our zoom meeting. Um, I got that, like, it was like kind of desk up and I was like, oh no, but it extended it at Horace. So that's good. I'm sorry. No, no, it was really great conversation. We weren't sure how it was going to go. So I'm really glad that it went so well. Yeah. It was fun. Yeah. Very fun. So we'll let you guys know about, um, our movie watch of carnal innocence and see if we can set up a time to be able to do that. Thank you for moving us ahead an hour earlier. I'm sorry about that. That was my bad. I was here. <inaudible> email everyone and tell them to wait. And then I saw that you had joined the meeting and I was like, oh, I'll go meet up with her. So where are you located? Speaker 3 01:12:07 Oh yeah, Speaker 2 01:12:08 I'm in Southern, Missouri. Um, so I'm with central too. Hi. Speaker 3 01:12:13 I live in Boston, so Speaker 2 01:12:15 Yeah. So you're so Jen and Speaker 3 01:12:17 You and I are all. Yeah, I was just curious. And just an FYI for you. Emily Eve Dallas is very confused by time zones as well. I see Speaker 2 01:12:28 It. I think that you guys posted a quote about her being Speaker 3 01:12:31 Late. That's our running thing throughout the series they go to everywhere. I don't understand this. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:12:40 I just, even though he's lived out on the east coast for over 10 years now, I'm still just like, what time is it? Is it okay to text her now? Speaker 3 01:12:49 I know I'm always like very like with Emily when I talk about times, I always make sure I'm talking about her time because she will not, she will not convert. Like I can't talk my own. She won't do it. So I have to always be like your time, your time central time. Speaker 2 01:13:05 So yeah. Thank you for being so flexible with that. I really appreciate it. Not a problem. Alright. You guys we'll we'll um, we'll message you soon and Heidi we'll get these recorded too. Um, and thank you guys so much. Hey, hope your son feels better. Speaker 3 01:13:23 Thank you so much. You too. Bye. All right, thanks. Speaker 0 01:13:30 Okay. So that was, uh, that was the show that we did for Withrow Betsy, the show. It was, it was a really fun show. It was really fun. Yeah. Yeah. You know, great time talking to them and I'm so looking forward to them finally reading the in-depth series or, or getting to at the very least getting to remember when yeah. And reading that portion because they said they'd never Speaker 3 01:13:56 Read any, right? No, they haven't read. Speaker 0 01:14:02 So it'll be interesting for them, I think, uh, not just reading in depth, but you also get a glimpse of, um, uh, you get, you get, you know, the characters in the beginning with the Nora, but then, you know, the second part is you don't know their granddaughter and you get to see them at the very end, the main characters. Again, she talks about him several times and it's, it's always interesting. I think that that was really smart of Norway, such a great movie to number one. I mean, it was such a smart market idea and it was just a good book. I mean, that was one of my favorites. Yeah. It was mine too. I love it. Yeah. And Speaker 3 01:14:52 That's how, that's how we got Jen. That was my very first and you know, and I had been Speaker 0 01:14:59 Meaning to read them for a long time. It just, that's what kind of triggered me into reading them because yeah. You actually find out some stuff in that one, but it happens like earlier in the series. Yeah. I have to know exactly like, well now I have to Speaker 3 01:15:21 Know, now I have to know what happened and that's so smart. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:15:27 That's really smart. Yeah. It was great. So we'll get to that one. What would it be say in a couple months, couple of Speaker 2 01:15:34 Months, purity, purity, portrait imitation. Speaker 0 01:15:39 And then yeah, I remember once after that really set close. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:15:45 I Speaker 0 01:15:45 Know. It's crazy. Something for you all to look forward to. Yeah. Okay. So I guess that's it. Yeah. We're going to go enjoy the rest of our vacation. I'm laying on the beach. So I am not, but you go lay on the beach thing. That's okay. I'm not sure. Well, you have fun doing whatever you're doing. And uh, so that's it. So from a kiss kissing death, this is ha this is Tara and we'll see you next week. Bye guys, Speaker 5 01:16:27 Thank you for listening to podcast in death. If you enjoyed this podcast, please give us a five star review on apple, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to your podcast, we would greatly appreciate it. Podcasts and death is hosted by Amy Ryan, Jen Terpstra, and Tara Corkery, and is edited and produced by Amy Ryan. The opinions expressed on this show are for entertainment purposes only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the in-depth fandom at large podcast. And death is not in any way. Affiliated with Nora Roberts, Berkeley penguin publishing group or St. Martin's press. Our theme song is justice never sleeps by Cosmo and is available on shutterstock.com this episode. And all of our previous episodes are [email protected]. Have something to say. You can email [email protected] or find us on social media by searching for podcasts and death on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, you can call us and leave a message at 2 0 5 4 7 6 2 7 5 3. That spells out 2 0 5, 4 Rourke. Thanks again for listening. And in the mortal words of Brian Kelly, <inaudible>.

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