Happy “Podcast in Death” One Year Anniversary!
To celebrate this event, we will be releasing this episode one day early!
This week, we are Reviewing the Reviews of “Reunion in Death”!! There are some doozies in this episode!!
Also, while Tara is back, AJ is missing for the first 10 minutes, but managed to call in to co-host this episode from her car.
With these reviews we learn that:
Also, we appreciate people who can spell Roarke’s name correctly.
Hey Everyone! On this week’s episode, we have a really interesting conversation based on a suggestion by listener Michelle Kenyon about the Myers-Briggs personality...
You know how with just about every "We Review the Reviews" episode we do, there's always at least one reviewer who talks about how...
For this episode of the podcast, Tara and AJ did a Facebook Live event and played some of the same games that we played...